[Twisted-Python] Updated icons patch (as attachment)

Cory Dodt corydodt at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 9 10:57:00 MST 2002

> From: Thomas Heller <theller at python.net>
> Here is some info which should probably solve some of your problems:
> The postinstall script is run witt sys.argv[1] set to '-install' or
> '-remove' depending on what is done, so there is no guesswork needed.
> The easiest way to make sure files or directories are removed at
> uninstallation is to register them with the installation log file,
> then they will automatically be removed.  This can be done by calling
> the file_created(path) or directory_created(path) functions. These
> functions are available when bdist_wininst runs the postinstall script.
> Thomas

Yes! Those tips solved my problems. :-)  Thanks a million Thomas.

I have updated the patch; icons now get removed when Twisted is
uninstalled.  I am attaching (not pasting) it so that long lines don't wrap.

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Name: win-patch-20021209.tar.gz
Type: application/x-gzip
Size: 5230 bytes
Desc: win-patch-20021209.tar.gz
URL: </pipermail/twisted-python/attachments/20021209/eeb1959f/attachment-0002.bin>

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