[Twisted-Python] ReverseProxy doesn't send X-Forwarded-For header
Lance Kurisaki
lkurisaki at ambiron.net
Mon Jun 2 17:24:57 MDT 2003
The ReverseProxy doesn't send an X-Forwarded-For header field with the
real client's IP address. This convention is used by Squid, Pound, and
other proxies to communicate the real client's IP address to the
destination server.
I added the header with the following patch.
Index: twisted/web/proxy.py
RCS file: /cvs/Twisted/twisted/web/proxy.py,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -c -r1.12 proxy.py
*** twisted/web/proxy.py 2 Jun 2003 18:14:59 -0000 1.12
--- twisted/web/proxy.py 2 Jun 2003 23:14:59 -0000
*** 178,183 ****
--- 178,184 ----
def render(self, request):
request.received_headers['host'] = self.host
+ request.received_headers["x-forwarded-for"] = request.client[1]
request.content.seek(0, 0)
clientFactory = ProxyClientFactory(request.method, self.path,
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