[Twisted-Python] Submitted for your consideration
Jp Calderone
exarkun at intarweb.us
Wed Jun 11 05:36:42 MDT 2003
On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 08:27:52PM +1000, Andrew Bennetts wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 05:52:16AM -0400, Jp Calderone wrote:
> > Attached is a patch to add timeout support to t.web (via a minor
> > HTTPChannel change).
> >
> > The performance impact should be light, though it does impose an extra
> > function call per received line. If this is found to unacceptable, I do not
> > thing it would be unreasonable to change the "__lastReceived" attribute's
> > name, document it as public, and require the update be made inline.
> [I've already made this point on IRC, but anyway...]
> It also will timeout clients if a request takes a long time to run. Think
> streaming web pages, e.g. LivePage, or a streaming log from a *very* slow
> buildbot build. This patch should use .setTimeout(None) to disable timeouts
> while a request is being processed (and then of course re-enable timeouts
> once all outstanding requests have been serviced). I don't like the idea of
> disconnecting a client simply because the server is taking a long time to
> serve the request, or because a client has a slow link.
> I realise the default timeout is 12 hours, but:
> - I can imagine cases where HTTP connections last longer than 12 hours
> without receiving traffic from the client, e.g. streaming HTTP, where
> the client sends nothing, but the server keeps streaming buildbot
> results/javascript events/music, or simply a very long running request
> (i.e. because of an unusually massive DB query, or something). You'd
> *really* be annoyed if your query took 13 hours, only to discover
> after 12 hours Twisted Web arbitrarily decided your connection was
> idle and killed it.
> - Another scenario: A dial-up user downloading an ISO of their favorite
> Linux distro. This is a legitimate request, and shouldn't be
> arbitrarily cut-off halfway. If a client wants to download 600Mb at
> 5kB/s, Twisted Web should let them.
> - It should still work correctly if the default is changed. Someone
> might be paranoid, and set the timeout down to, say, 5 minutes. This
> shouldn't cause adverse affects (beyond killing connections that have
> been idle that long).
These are good points. Thanks for making them on the ML :) Here is a
modified patch (hopefully modified in the proper way).
-------------- next part --------------
Index: protocols/http.py
RCS file: /cvs/Twisted/twisted/protocols/http.py,v
retrieving revision 1.80
diff -u -r1.80 http.py
--- protocols/http.py 17 May 2003 20:54:12 -0000 1.80
+++ protocols/http.py 11 Jun 2003 11:36:00 -0000
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
# twisted imports
from twisted.internet import interfaces, reactor, protocol
+from twisted.protocols import policies
from twisted.python import log
@@ -856,7 +857,7 @@
-class HTTPChannel(basic.LineReceiver):
+class HTTPChannel(basic.LineReceiver, policies.TimeoutMixin):
"""A receiver for HTTP requests."""
length = 0
@@ -868,12 +869,20 @@
# set in instances or subclasses
requestFactory = Request
+ # Timeout connections after 12 hours of inactivity
+ timeOut = 60 * 60 * 12
+ _savedTimeOut = None
def __init__(self):
# the request queue
self.requests = []
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ self.setTimeout(self.timeOut)
def lineReceived(self, line):
+ self.resetTimeout()
if self.__first_line:
# if this connection is not persistent, drop any data which
# the client (illegally) sent after the last request.
@@ -942,6 +951,11 @@
self.__first_line = 1
del self._command, self._path, self._version
+ # Disable the idle timeout, in case this request takes a long
+ # time to finish generating output.
+ if self.timeOut:
+ self._savedTimeOut = self.setTimeout(None)
req = self.requests[-1]
req.requestReceived(command, path, version)
@@ -1000,10 +1014,14 @@
# notify next request it can start writing
if self.requests:
+ else:
+ if self._savedTimeOut:
+ self.setTimeout(self._savedTimeOut)
def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ self.setTimeout(None)
for request in self.requests:
-------------- next part --------------
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