[Twisted-Python] Status of wxPython support in Twisted 2.1: use wxreactor

Itamar Shtull-Trauring itamar at itamarst.org
Mon Oct 10 09:06:32 MDT 2005

wxreactor in Twisted 2.1 uses threadedselectreactor. This means that wx
apps ought to use wxreactor, not TSR directly; there are some issues
with vanilla TSR wx integration that are also present in wxreactor, but
will be fixed in future versions of wxreactor.

What's broken (there may be more):
1. reactor shutdown events aren't handled correctly (e.g. Deferred
returned from during-shutdown event).
2. Signal handling for e.g. Ctrl-C is caught by wx, not twisted.

In order to get these fixed I need your help. I have a version of
wxreactor that *probably* fixes these in Subversion trunk. You can try
it out by running doc/core/examples/wxdemo.py. Hitting Ctrl-C, choosing
Exit from the menu or closing the menu all should have the same effect -
the application logs "shutting down in 0.3 seconds...", "2", "1", "0"
then exits. In addition, "Hello world" should continue to be printed
while the dialog box is open or you are holding down a menu.

Please try this out, and report success or failure at
<http://twistedmatrix.com/bugs/issue1235>. I'm especially interested to
hear if it works on Windows or Mac OS X. Please include your OS and
version of wxPython/wxWidgets when submitting reports.

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