[Twisted-Python] Twisted server in the background

Brian Granger bgranger at scu.edu
Tue Sep 13 12:13:41 MDT 2005


I have a server written using twisted that I want to run in the  
background.  But when I try:

python server.py &

at the command line, the server starts but then the server is sent  
SIGINT which stops the twisted reactor.  Here is my log file

2005/09/13 11:08 PDT [-] Log opened.
2005/09/13 11:08 PDT [-] kernelcore.KernelTCPFactory starting on 10105
2005/09/13 11:08 PDT [-] Starting factory  
<kernelcore.KernelTCPFactory instance
at 0x58c210>
2005/09/13 11:08 PDT [-] Received SIGINT, shutting down.
2005/09/13 11:08 PDT [kernelcore.KernelTCPFactory] (Port 10105 Closed)
2005/09/13 11:08 PDT [kernelcore.KernelTCPFactory] Stopping factory  
KernelTCPFactory instance at 0x58c210>
2005/09/13 11:08 PDT [-] Main loop terminated.

How can I run a twisted server in the background?  Using twistd is  
not an option as I am using threadedselectreactor.  Thanks


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