[Twisted-Python] Twisted ORM
bmuller at butterfat.net
bmuller at butterfat.net
Sat Aug 14 11:17:46 MDT 2010
Thanks for the feedback Werner, see embedded:
> Great work, I'm currently looking into doing some integration work with
> couchdb and stumbled over paisly https://launchpad.net/paisley but this
> piece of code is poorly maintained.
I've seem other projects that use twisted and couchdb, and they seemed
to all just be using the twisted HTTP client to access the couchdb REST API.
> Not being the db master (neither from heart nor from profession) let me
> ask the dumb question:
> How do you rate the chances of interfacing couchdb to your code?
It's not likely. Twistar is designed specifically for relational
databases - something like Paisley or accessing the REST API directly
will likely be your best bet for couchdb.
> Why am I fascinated by the promises couchdb makes? I really hate the
> overstructuring of data the SQL DBs impose - the moment you structure
> the data is the moment you realize that there is an impedance mismatch
> between data and its usage and technically ORMs are no more than
> impedance adapters, lightening the burden of the programmer to
> restructure data. With the promises couchdb makes in terms of imposing
> the least possible structuring onto the data and doing the
> (re)structuring when querying and retrieving it struck a note in me.
There are certainly benefits to loosely structured storage. SQL based
storage is not going away anytime soon, though, and hopefully Twistar
can make interacting with those relational DB's a little easier. Due to
the structural differences, though, it would probably be a better idea
to either start a new project or extend Paisley if you're interested in
a better Twisted-based interface to CouchDB.
> On 06.08.2010 21:09, bmuller at butterfat.net wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I've just finished creating a basic Object Relational Mapper (ORM) in
>> Twisted (http://trac.butterfat.net/public/twistar) called Twistar. The
>> goal of the project is most certainly not to duplicate the full
>> functionality of existing Python ORM's, but rather to provide a simple
>> interface to databases that obviates the need for writing SQL.
>> With the deprecation of twisted.enterprise.row and
>> twisted.enterprise.reflection, the only option right now in twisted for
>> database interaction (that I know of) is either via straight SQL through
>> adbapi|||| or via patches on existing Python ORM's. The goal behind
>> Twistar is to provide basic ORM functionality but completely within the
>> Twisted paradigm.
>> The code is fully documented (via pydoctor) and the package contains
>> unit tests (which can be run by trial).
>> Who should I talk to concerning possible inclusion in twisted.enterprise?
>> Thanks,
>> Brian
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