[Twisted-Python] 10.1 release follow-up

exarkun at twistedmatrix.com exarkun at twistedmatrix.com
Sun Jul 4 20:08:04 MDT 2010

On 4 Jul, 04:13 pm, jml at mumak.net wrote:
>Hello everybody,
>As you've seen, the Twisted 10.1.0 release is out there.
>I've started this thread for any discussions about the way the release
>was done and for the next release.
>Glyph Lefkowitz has kindly offered to be the RM for the 10.2 release,
>which is scheduled for September 15, 2010.
>Note that the Ubuntu feature freeze is August 12th, so we can expect
>10.1 to be the release that goes into Ubuntu 10.10.
>There were four open tickets on the 10.1 milestone. I have moved them
>off the milestone and closed them. When they are fixed, I'll be happy
>to consider re-opening the milestone and rolling out a 10.1.1.
>As part of this release, there have been many improvements to the
>release process document, see
>http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/ReleaseProcess. I would greatly
>appreciate it if the document could be reviewed for clarity and
>The biggest blockers to a swift release, from my perspective, were the
>  * myself having work travel and then vacation around the scheduled
>time of the release
>  * delaying to wait for feedback on the release candidate
>  * waiting for the review for the release ticket
>  * waiting for someone else to solve the buildbot issues for Windows
>I've filed a ticket for moving the release document into version
>control, http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/4543. I'm happy to do
>so, but I'd like at least a rubber-stamp from someone before I do the

Hi jml,

Thanks for your work on this release, and congratulations on getting it 
out the door. :)

I'm curious about plans to update the documentation on the website and 
distribute the .exe Windows installers.


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