[Twisted-Python] Testing AMP-based code

MichaelMayorov marchael at ya.ru
Tue Jul 16 13:13:53 MDT 2013

 <exarkun <at> twistedmatrix.com> writes:
> I think this is thinking in the right direction.  Twisted generally 
> tries to be responsible for testing its own code, and the serialization 
> from commands to bytes (and the reverse) that AMP does is part of 
> Twisted, so you should really be free from the burden of testing that 
> that stuff works.
> ....
> Some pieces are probably still missing from the public API - for 
> example, you do want to test that your objects all get properly 
> serialized and deserialized through AMP, particularly if you're 
> implementing custom Argument types.  There are some private APIs, 
> _objectsToStrings and _stringsToObjects mostly, that really help with 
> testing this, and we should think about how to expose this functionality 
> publically.  Also, we should document this whole pile of stuff.  Maybe 
> you'd be interested in writing something up after you've had a chance to 
> play with these ideas?
> Jean-Paul


Perhaps I should create a new thread, but I think that my problem could be 
related with this question.

I want to implement master/slave protocol based on AMP, here is a slave side 
code https://github.com/MichaelMayorov/buildbot/compare/fake-master-slave-

The problem is that I want to pass few arguments to Bot 
amp#L0R38 from this place 
but current implementation not allow me to do this. I've read twisted API 
docs and discussed my idea on #buildbot where finally take advice to post my 
question here.


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