[Twisted-web] Proposed backwards-incompatible changes to nevow (formless)

Christopher Armstrong twisted-web@twistedmatrix.com
Fri, 30 Jan 2004 21:13:10 -0500

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1. from gtk2form.py:

                 # [:-1] is a *terrible* hack: formless sticks a Submit
                 # button in the return value of getArgs when the
                 # binding doesn't specify any other Buttons. It
                 # *shouldn't* do this: it's lying about what arguments
                 # the function will accept. It should rely on the user
                 # interface-generater (like freeform and gtk2form) to
                 # handle the case where no buttons are specified. That
                 # way I can know whether or not a button should really
                 # produce an argument to the method.

     that says it all.

2. The way Typed.coerce and coerceWithBinding work are really stupid.
    For one, they're both optional: all code that wants to talk the
    interface has to say:

        if hasattr(o, 'coerceWithBinding'):
            o.coerceWithBinding(val, configurable)
        elif hasattr(o, 'coerce'):

    It should just be required on the interface. Implementors can
    implement with pass quite easily.

    For two, coerceWithBinding is a terrible name when the binding isn't
    what's being passed, but the configurable.

    And for three, there's really no reason to have both methods -- if a
    coercion doesn't require the configurable to do anything, it can just
    ignore the argument.

    Solution: There should just be coerce(val, configurable) on the
    interface, always required.

2 doesn't bother me as much as 1 does: it's a real problem that I can't 
think any way to get around for a complete implementation of a formless UI.

DP, do you agree with these changes? I can make patches for nevow and 
all usages of them in Quotient, too.

  Twisted | Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery
   Radix  |          Release Manager,  Twisted Project
---------+           http://radix.twistedmatrix.com/

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