[Twisted-web] Can't get XMLRPC server working with Twisted 2.1

Remi Cool mailinglists at smartology.nl
Tue Nov 15 00:18:40 MST 2005

Matt Goodall wrote:

>Remi Cool wrote:
>>Hello Twisters,
>>I've looked in the documentation, searched the archives and the web, but
>>found no solution to the XMLRPC problem I'm having.
>>I've used the finger example code to create an XMLRPC server, but I keep
>>getting the 405 Method not allowed error. I'm probably overlooking
>>something very obvious, call me stupid, but I can't get it to work.
>>Below the code I'm using.
>>If someone has a clue ... please enlighten me.
>The "self.putChild('RPC2', myXMLRPC(self.service))" line in the server
>code makes your XMLRPC resource available as the "RPC2" child of the
>root resource. That gives a full URL path to the XMLRPC resource of "/PRC2"
>Your client code is not using the correct URL, so it's not requesting
>the XMLRPC resource. The creation of the Proxy instance should be:
>  proxy = Proxy('http://localhost:7080/RPC2')
>Hope this helps.
>- Matt
Thanks, that solved the problem.

- Remi -

>>-- Remi --
>>Server code:
>>#!/usr/bin/env python
>># -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
>>import sys
>>from twisted.application import internet, service
>>from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol, defer
>>from twisted.web import resource, server, static, xmlrpc
>>from twisted.python import components, rebuild
>>from zope.interface import Interface, implements
>>class myXMLRPC(xmlrpc.XMLRPC):
>>    """This class contains all root xmlrpc methods and the modules
>>    def __init__(self, service):
>>        xmlrpc.XMLRPC.__init__(self)
>>        self.service = service
>>    def xmlrpc_echo(self, x):
>>        """Simple echo function"""
>>        return x
>>def catchError(err):
>>    return "Internal error in server"
>>class IowwService(components.Interface):
>>    """"""
>>    def rebuild(self, modname):
>>        """Rebuild classes in given module"""
>>class httpResource(resource.Resource):
>>    implements(resource.IResource)
>>    def __init__(self, service):
>>        resource.Resource.__init__(self)
>>        self.service = service
>>        self.putChild('RPC2', myXMLRPC(self.service))      
>>    def render(self, request):
>>        self._clientIP = request.getClientIP()
>>        return resource.Resource.render(self, request)
>>    def render_GET(self, request):
>>        """Process HTTP GET Requests."""
>>        return '<html><body><h3>Not Implemented</h3></body></html>'
>>    def getChild(self, path, request):
>>        """This method handles http calls"""
>>        return httpResource(self.service)
>>components.registerAdapter(httpResource, IowwService, resource.IResource)
>>class owwService(service.Service):
>>    """"""
>>    implements(IowwService)
>>    def rebuild(self, modname):
>>        """Rebuild classes in given module"""
>>        mod = sys.modules[modname]
>>        rebuild.rebuild(mod)
>>def main():
>>    """"""
>>    application = service.Application('OWW', uid=100, gid=100)
>>    s = owwService()
>>    serviceCollection = service.IServiceCollection(application)
>>    internet.TCPServer(7080,
>>    serviceCollection.startService() 
>>    reactor.run()
>>if __name__ == '__main__':
>>    main()
>>And the client code:
>>#!/usr/bin/env python
>>from twisted.web.xmlrpc import Proxy
>>from twisted.internet import reactor
>>def printValue(value):
>>    print repr(value)
>>    reactor.stop()
>>def printError(error):
>>    print 'error', error
>>    reactor.stop()
>>proxy = Proxy('http://localhost:7080')
>>proxy.callRemote('echo', 'hello world').addCallbacks(printValue, printError)
>>Twisted-web mailing list
>>Twisted-web at twistedmatrix.com

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