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t.w.proxy : module documentation

Part of twisted.web View Source

Simplistic HTTP proxy support.

This comes in two main variants - the Proxy and the ReverseProxy.

When a Proxy is in use, a browser trying to connect to a server (say, www.yahoo.com) will be intercepted by the Proxy, and the proxy will covertly connect to the server, and return the result.

When a ReverseProxy is in use, the client connects directly to the ReverseProxy (say, www.yahoo.com) which farms off the request to one of a pool of servers, and returns the result.

Normally, a Proxy is used on the client end of an Internet connection, while a ReverseProxy is used on the server end.
Class ProxyClient Used by ProxyClientFactory to implement a simple web proxy.
Class ProxyClientFactory Used by ProxyRequest to implement a simple web proxy.
Class ProxyRequest Used by Proxy to implement a simple web proxy.
Class Proxy This class implements a simple web proxy.
Class ReverseProxyRequest Used by ReverseProxy to implement a simple reverse proxy.
Class ReverseProxy Implements a simple reverse proxy.
Class ReverseProxyResource Resource that renders the results gotten from another server
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:12:41.