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t.w.service : module documentation

Part of twisted.words View Source

A module that needs a better name.

Implements new cred things for words.

How does this thing work?
Class Group Undocumented
Class User Undocumented
Class IRCUser Protocol instance representing an IRC user connected to the server.
Class IRCFactory IRC server that creates instances of the IRCUser protocol.
Class PBMind Undocumented
Class PBMindReference Undocumented
Class PBGroup Undocumented
Class PBGroupReference Undocumented
Class PBUser Undocumented
Class ChatAvatar Undocumented
Class AvatarReference Undocumented
Class WordsRealm No class docstring; 2/13 methods documented
Class InMemoryWordsRealm Undocumented
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:22:34.