Twisted.Web In 60 Seconds

    This set of examples contains short, complete applications of twisted.web. For subjects not covered here, see the Twisted Web tutorial and the API documentation.

    1. Serving static content from a directory
    2. Generating a page dynamically
    3. Static URL dispatch
    4. Dynamic URL dispatch
    5. Error handling
    6. Custom response codes
    7. Handling POSTs
    8. rpy scripts (or, how to save yourself some typing)
    9. Asynchronous responses
    10. Asynchronous responses (via Deferred)
    11. Interrupted responses
    12. Logging errors
    13. WSGIs
    14. HTTP authentication
    15. Session basics
    16. Storing objects in the session
    17. Session endings


    Version: 10.2.0 Site Meter