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t.runner : package documentation

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Twisted runer: run and monitor processes

Maintainer: Andrew Bennetts

classic inetd(8) support: Future Plans: The basic design should be final. There are some bugs that need fixing regarding UDP and Sun-RPC support. Perhaps some day xinetd compatibility will be added.

procmon:monitor and restart processes
Module inetd Twisted inetd.
Module inetdconf Parser for inetd.conf files
Module inetdtap Twisted inetd TAP support
Module procmon Support for starting, monitoring, and restarting child process.
Module procmontap Support for creating a service which runs a process monitor.
Module procutils Undocumented
Module _version Undocumented
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:27:37.