Part of twisted.trial View Source
Class | BrokenTestCaseWarning | Emitted as a warning when an exception occurs in one of setUp or tearDown. |
Class | SafeStream | Wraps a stream object so that all write calls are wrapped
in untilConcludes .
Class | TestResult | Accumulates the results of several twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase s.
Class | TestResultDecorator | Base class for TestResult decorators. |
Class | UncleanWarningsReporterWrapper | A wrapper for a reporter that converts util.DirtyReactorAggregateError s
to warnings.
Class | Reporter | A basic TestResult
with support for writing to a stream.
Class | MinimalReporter | A minimalist reporter that prints only a summary of the test result, in the form of (timeTaken, #tests, #tests, #errors, #failures, #skips). |
Class | TextReporter | Simple reporter that prints a single character for each test as it runs, along with the standard Trial summary text. |
Class | VerboseTextReporter | A verbose reporter that prints the name of each test as it is running. |
Class | TimingTextReporter | Prints out each test as it is running, followed by the time taken for each test to run. |
Class | SubunitReporter | Reports test output via Subunit. |
Class | TreeReporter | Print out the tests in the form a tree. |
Class | _AdaptedReporter | TestResult decorator that makes sure that addError only gets tests that have been adapted with a particular test adapter. |
Class | _AnsiColorizer | A colorizer is an object that loosely wraps around a stream, allowing callers to write text to the stream in a particular color. |
Class | _Win32Colorizer | See _AnsiColorizer docstring. |
Class | _NullColorizer | See _AnsiColorizer docstring. |