The Evolution of Finger: pluggable backends

  1. Introduction
  2. Another Back-end
  3. Yet Another Back-end: Doing the Standard Thing


This is the fifth part of the Twisted tutorial Twisted from Scratch, or The Evolution of Finger.

In this part we will add new several new backends to our finger service using the component-based architecture developed in The Evolution of Finger: moving to a component based architecture. This will show just how convenient it is to implement new back-ends when we move to a component based architecture. Note that here we also use an interface we previously wrote, FingerSetterFactory, by supporting one single method. We manage to preserve the service's ignorance of the network.

Another Back-end

Full source code here:

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# Do everything properly, and componentize from twisted.application import internet, service from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, defer, utils from twisted.words.protocols import irc from twisted.protocols import basic from twisted.python import components from twisted.web import resource, server, static, xmlrpc from zope.interface import Interface, implements import cgi import pwd class IFingerService(Interface): def getUser(user): """ Return a deferred returning a string. """ def getUsers(): """ Return a deferred returning a list of strings. """ class IFingerSetterService(Interface): def setUser(user, status): """ Set the user's status to something. """ class IFingerSetterService(Interface): def setUser(user, status): """ Set the user's status to something. """ def catchError(err): return "Internal error in server" class FingerProtocol(basic.LineReceiver): def lineReceived(self, user): d = self.factory.getUser(user) d.addErrback(catchError) def writeValue(value): self.transport.write(value+'\r\n') self.transport.loseConnection() d.addCallback(writeValue) class IFingerFactory(Interface): def getUser(user): """ Return a deferred returning a string. """ def buildProtocol(addr): """ Return a protocol returning a string. """ class FingerFactoryFromService(protocol.ServerFactory): implements(IFingerFactory) protocol = FingerProtocol def __init__(self, service): self.service = service def getUser(self, user): return self.service.getUser(user) components.registerAdapter(FingerFactoryFromService, IFingerService, IFingerFactory) class FingerSetterProtocol(basic.LineReceiver): def connectionMade(self): self.lines = [] def lineReceived(self, line): self.lines.append(line) def connectionLost(self, reason): if len(self.lines) == 2: self.factory.setUser(*self.lines) class IFingerSetterFactory(Interface): def setUser(user, status): """ Return a deferred returning a string. """ def buildProtocol(addr): """ Return a protocol returning a string. """ class FingerSetterFactoryFromService(protocol.ServerFactory): implements(IFingerSetterFactory) protocol = FingerSetterProtocol def __init__(self, service): self.service = service def setUser(self, user, status): self.service.setUser(user, status) components.registerAdapter(FingerSetterFactoryFromService, IFingerSetterService, IFingerSetterFactory) class IRCReplyBot(irc.IRCClient): def connectionMade(self): self.nickname = self.factory.nickname irc.IRCClient.connectionMade(self) def privmsg(self, user, channel, msg): user = user.split('!')[0] if self.nickname.lower() == channel.lower(): d = self.factory.getUser(msg) d.addErrback(catchError) d.addCallback(lambda m: "Status of %s: %s" % (msg, m)) d.addCallback(lambda m: self.msg(user, m)) class IIRCClientFactory(Interface): """ @ivar nickname """ def getUser(user): """ Return a deferred returning a string. """ def buildProtocol(addr): """ Return a protocol. """ class IRCClientFactoryFromService(protocol.ClientFactory): implements(IIRCClientFactory) protocol = IRCReplyBot nickname = None def __init__(self, service): self.service = service def getUser(self, user): return self.service.getUser(user) components.registerAdapter(IRCClientFactoryFromService, IFingerService, IIRCClientFactory) class UserStatusTree(resource.Resource): implements(resource.IResource) def __init__(self, service): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.service = service self.putChild('RPC2', UserStatusXR(self.service)) def render_GET(self, request): d = self.service.getUsers() def formatUsers(users): l = ['<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % (user, user) for user in users] return '<ul>'+''.join(l)+'</ul>' d.addCallback(formatUsers) d.addCallback(request.write) d.addCallback(lambda _: request.finish()) return server.NOT_DONE_YET def getChild(self, path, request): if path=="": return UserStatusTree(self.service) else: return UserStatus(path, self.service) components.registerAdapter(UserStatusTree, IFingerService, resource.IResource) class UserStatus(resource.Resource): def __init__(self, user, service): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.user = user self.service = service def render_GET(self, request): d = self.service.getUser(self.user) d.addCallback(cgi.escape) d.addCallback(lambda m: '<h1>%s</h1>'%self.user+'<p>%s</p>'%m) d.addCallback(request.write) d.addCallback(lambda _: request.finish()) return server.NOT_DONE_YET class UserStatusXR(xmlrpc.XMLRPC): def __init__(self, service): xmlrpc.XMLRPC.__init__(self) self.service = service def xmlrpc_getUser(self, user): return self.service.getUser(user) class FingerService(service.Service): implements(IFingerService) def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.users = {} def _read(self): self.users.clear() for line in file(self.filename): user, status = line.split(':', 1) user = user.strip() status = status.strip() self.users[user] = status = reactor.callLater(30, self._read) def getUser(self, user): return defer.succeed(self.users.get(user, "No such user")) def getUsers(self): return defer.succeed(self.users.keys()) def startService(self): self._read() service.Service.startService(self) def stopService(self): service.Service.stopService(self) # Another back-end class LocalFingerService(service.Service): implements(IFingerService) def getUser(self, user): # need a local finger daemon running for this to work return utils.getProcessOutput("finger", [user]) def getUsers(self): return defer.succeed([]) application = service.Application('finger', uid=1, gid=1) f = LocalFingerService() serviceCollection = service.IServiceCollection(application) internet.TCPServer(79, IFingerFactory(f) ).setServiceParent(serviceCollection) internet.TCPServer(8000, server.Site(resource.IResource(f)) ).setServiceParent(serviceCollection) i = IIRCClientFactory(f) i.nickname = 'fingerbot' internet.TCPClient('', 6667, i ).setServiceParent(serviceCollection)

We've already written this, but now we get more for less work: the network code is completely separate from the back-end.

Yet Another Back-end: Doing the Standard Thing

Full source code here:

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# Do everything properly, and componentize from twisted.application import internet, service from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, defer, utils from twisted.words.protocols import irc from twisted.protocols import basic from twisted.python import components from twisted.web import resource, server, static, xmlrpc from zope.interface import Interface, implements import cgi import pwd import os class IFingerService(Interface): def getUser(user): """ Return a deferred returning a string. """ def getUsers(): """ Return a deferred returning a list of strings. """ class IFingerSetterService(Interface): def setUser(user, status): """ Set the user's status to something. """ class IFingerSetterService(Interface): def setUser(user, status): """ Set the user's status to something. """ def catchError(err): return "Internal error in server" class FingerProtocol(basic.LineReceiver): def lineReceived(self, user): d = self.factory.getUser(user) d.addErrback(catchError) def writeValue(value): self.transport.write(value+'\r\n') self.transport.loseConnection() d.addCallback(writeValue) class IFingerFactory(Interface): def getUser(user): """ Return a deferred returning a string. """ def buildProtocol(addr): """ Return a protocol returning a string. """ class FingerFactoryFromService(protocol.ServerFactory): implements(IFingerFactory) protocol = FingerProtocol def __init__(self, service): self.service = service def getUser(self, user): return self.service.getUser(user) components.registerAdapter(FingerFactoryFromService, IFingerService, IFingerFactory) class FingerSetterProtocol(basic.LineReceiver): def connectionMade(self): self.lines = [] def lineReceived(self, line): self.lines.append(line) def connectionLost(self, reason): if len(self.lines) == 2: self.factory.setUser(*self.lines) class IFingerSetterFactory(Interface): def setUser(user, status): """ Return a deferred returning a string. """ def buildProtocol(addr): """ Return a protocol returning a string. """ class FingerSetterFactoryFromService(protocol.ServerFactory): implements(IFingerSetterFactory) protocol = FingerSetterProtocol def __init__(self, service): self.service = service def setUser(self, user, status): self.service.setUser(user, status) components.registerAdapter(FingerSetterFactoryFromService, IFingerSetterService, IFingerSetterFactory) class IRCReplyBot(irc.IRCClient): def connectionMade(): self.nickname = self.factory.nickname irc.IRCClient.connectionMade(self) def privmsg(self, user, channel, msg): user = user.split('!')[0] if self.nickname.lower() == channel.lower(): d = self.factory.getUser(msg) d.addErrback(catchError) d.addCallback(lambda m: "Status of %s: %s" % (msg, m)) d.addCallback(lambda m: self.msg(user, m)) class IIRCClientFactory(Interface): """ @ivar nickname """ def getUser(user): """ Return a deferred returning a string. """ def buildProtocol(addr): """ Return a protocol. """ class IRCClientFactoryFromService(protocol.ClientFactory): implements(IIRCClientFactory) protocol = IRCReplyBot nickname = None def __init__(self, service): self.service = service def getUser(self, user): return self.service.getUser(user) components.registerAdapter(IRCClientFactoryFromService, IFingerService, IIRCClientFactory) class UserStatusTree(resource.Resource): implements(resource.IResource) def __init__(self, service): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.service = service self.putChild('RPC2', UserStatusXR(self.service)) def render_GET(self, request): d = self.service.getUsers() def formatUsers(users): l = ['<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>' % (user, user) for user in users] return '<ul>'+''.join(l)+'</ul>' d.addCallback(formatUsers) d.addCallback(request.write) d.addCallback(lambda _: request.finish()) return server.NOT_DONE_YET def getChild(self, path, request): if path=="": return UserStatusTree(self.service) else: return UserStatus(path, self.service) components.registerAdapter(UserStatusTree, IFingerService, resource.IResource) class UserStatus(resource.Resource): def __init__(self, user, service): resource.Resource.__init__(self) self.user = user self.service = service def render_GET(self, request): d = self.service.getUser(self.user) d.addCallback(cgi.escape) d.addCallback(lambda m: '<h1>%s</h1>'%self.user+'<p>%s</p>'%m) d.addCallback(request.write) d.addCallback(lambda _: request.finish()) return server.NOT_DONE_YET class UserStatusXR(xmlrpc.XMLRPC): def __init__(self, service): xmlrpc.XMLRPC.__init__(self) self.service = service def xmlrpc_getUser(self, user): return self.service.getUser(user) class FingerService(service.Service): implements(IFingerService) def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.users = {} def _read(self): self.users.clear() for line in file(self.filename): user, status = line.split(':', 1) user = user.strip() status = status.strip() self.users[user] = status = reactor.callLater(30, self._read) def getUser(self, user): return defer.succeed(self.users.get(user, "No such user")) def getUsers(self): return defer.succeed(self.users.keys()) def startService(self): self._read() service.Service.startService(self) def stopService(self): service.Service.stopService(self) # Yet another back-end class LocalFingerService(service.Service): implements(IFingerService) def getUser(self, user): user = user.strip() try: entry = pwd.getpwnam(user) except KeyError: return defer.succeed("No such user") try: f = file(os.path.join(entry[5],'.plan')) except (IOError, OSError): return defer.succeed("No such user") data = data = data.strip() f.close() return defer.succeed(data) def getUsers(self): return defer.succeed([]) application = service.Application('finger', uid=1, gid=1) f = LocalFingerService() serviceCollection = service.IServiceCollection(application) internet.TCPServer(79, IFingerFactory(f) ).setServiceParent(serviceCollection) internet.TCPServer(8000, server.Site(resource.IResource(f)) ).setServiceParent(serviceCollection) i = IIRCClientFactory(f) i.nickname = 'fingerbot' internet.TCPClient('', 6667, i ).setServiceParent(serviceCollection)

Not much to say except that now we can be churn out backends like crazy. Feel like doing a back-end for Advogato, for example? Dig out the XML-RPC client support Twisted has, and get to work!


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