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t.m.r.SmartHostESMTPRelayingManager(SmartHostSMTPRelayingManager) : class documentation

Part of twisted.mail.relaymanager View Source View In Hierarchy


Inherited from SmartHostSMTPRelayingManager:

Instance Variable fArgs Additional positional arguments used to instantiate factory.
Instance Variable fKwArgs Additional keyword arguments used to instantiate factory.
Instance Variable factory A callable which returns a ClientFactory suitable for making SMTP connections.
Method __init__
Method __getstate__ (internal) delete volatile state
Method __setstate__ (internal) restore volatile state
Method checkState Synchronize with the state of the world, and maybe launch a new relay.
Method _checkStateMX Undocumented
Method _cbExchange Undocumented
Method _ebExchange Undocumented
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2013-11-18 18:11:01.