Serving Static Content From a DirectoryΒΆ

The goal of this example is to show you how to serve static content from a filesystem. First, we need to import some objects:

  • Site, an IProtocolFactory which glues a listening server port (IListeningPort) to the HTTPChannel implementation:

    from twisted.web.server import Site
  • File, an IResource which glues the HTTP protocol implementation to the filesystem:

    from twisted.web.static import File
  • The reactor, which drives the whole process, actually accepting TCP connections and moving bytes into and out of them:

    from twisted.internet import reactor

Next, we create an instance of the File resource pointed at the directory to serve:

resource = File("/tmp")

Then we create an instance of the Site factory with that resource:

factory = Site(resource)

Now we glue that factory to a TCP port:

reactor.listenTCP(8888, factory)

Finally, we start the reactor so it can make the program work:

And that’s it. Here’s the complete program:

from twisted.web.server import Site
from twisted.web.static import File
from twisted.internet import reactor

resource = File('/tmp')
factory = Site(resource)
reactor.listenTCP(8888, factory)

Bonus example! For those times when you don’t actually want to write a new program, the above implemented functionality is one of the things the command line twistd tool can do. In this case, the command

twistd -n web --path /tmp

will accomplish the same thing as the above server. See helper programs in the Twisted Core documentation for more information on using twistd.

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