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t.t._.m.AddUnexpectedSuccess(Command) : class documentation

Part of twisted.trial._dist.managercommands View Source View In Hierarchy

Add an unexpected success.

Inherited from Command:

Class Variable arguments A list of 2-tuples of (name, Argument-subclass-instance), specifying the names and values of the parameters which are required for this command.
Class Variable response A list like arguments, but instead used for the return value.
Class Variable errors A mapping of subclasses of Exception to wire-protocol tags for errors represented as strs. Responders which raise keys from this dictionary will have the error translated to the corresponding tag on the wire. Invokers which receive Deferreds from invoking this command with AMP.callRemote will potentially receive Failures with keys from this mapping as their value. This mapping is inherited; if you declare a command which handles FooError as 'FOO_ERROR', then subclass it and specify BarError as 'BAR_ERROR', responders to the subclass may raise either FooError or BarError, and invokers must be able to deal with either of those exceptions.
Class Variable fatalErrors like 'errors', but errors in this list will always terminate the connection, despite being of a recognizable error type.
Class Variable commandType The type of Box used to issue commands; useful only for protocol-modifying behavior like startTLS or protocol switching. Defaults to a plain vanilla Box.
Class Variable responseType The type of Box used to respond to this command; only useful for protocol-modifying behavior like startTLS or protocol switching. Defaults to a plain vanilla Box.
Instance Variable requiresAnswer a boolean; defaults to True. Set it to False on your subclass if you want callRemote to return None. Note: this is a hint only to the client side of the protocol. The return-type of a command responder method must always be a dictionary adhering to the contract specified by response, because clients are always free to request a response if they want one.
Class __metaclass__ Metaclass hack to establish reverse-mappings for 'errors' and 'fatalErrors' as class vars.
Method __init__ Create an instance of this command with specified values for its parameters.
Class Method makeResponse Serialize a mapping of arguments using this Command's response schema.
Class Method makeArguments Serialize a mapping of arguments using this Command's argument schema.
Class Method parseResponse Parse a mapping of serialized arguments using this Command's response schema.
Class Method parseArguments Parse a mapping of serialized arguments using this Command's argument schema.
Class Method responder Declare a method to be a responder for a particular command.
Method _doCommand Encode and send this Command to the given protocol.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2014-09-17 19:15:55.