A receiver for int32-prefixed strings.

An int32 string is a string prefixed by 4 bytes, the 32-bit length of the string encoded in network byte order.

This class publishes the same interface as NetstringReceiver.

Inherited from _PauseableMixin (via IntNStringReceiver):

Method pauseProducing Undocumented
Method resumeProducing Undocumented
Method stopProducing Undocumented

Inherited from _PauseableMixin (via IntNStringReceiver):

Method pauseProducing Undocumented
Method resumeProducing Undocumented
Method stopProducing Undocumented

Inherited from _PauseableMixin (via IntNStringReceiver):

Method pauseProducing Undocumented
Method resumeProducing Undocumented
Method stopProducing Undocumented

Inherited from _PauseableMixin (via IntNStringReceiver):

Method pauseProducing Undocumented
Method resumeProducing Undocumented
Method stopProducing Undocumented
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-04-04 15:02:49.