:LastChangedDate: $LastChangedDate$ :LastChangedRevision: $LastChangedRevision$ :LastChangedBy: $LastChangedBy$ Using the Twisted IRC Client ============================ A complete howto would explain how to actually use the IRC client. However, until that howto is written, here is a howto that explains how to do text formatting for IRC. Text formatting --------------- The text formatting support in Twisted Words is based on the widely used `mIRC `_ format which supports bold, underline, reverse video and colored text; nesting these attributes is also supported. Creating formatted text ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The API used for creating formatted text in the IRC client is almost the same as that used by Twisted :py:mod:`insults ` . Text attributes are built up by accessing and indexing attributes on a special module-level attribute, :py:attr:`twisted.words.protocols.irc.attributes` , multiple values can be passed when indexing attributes to mix text with nested text attributes. The resulting object can then be serialized to formatted text, with :py:func:`twisted.words.protocols.irc.assembleFormattedText` , suitable for use with any of the IRC client messaging functions. Bold, underline and reverse video attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bold, underline and reverse video attributes are just flags and are the simplest text attributes to apply. They are accessed by the names ``bold`` , ``underline`` and ``reverseVideo`` , respectively, on :py:attr:`twisted.words.protocols.irc.attributes` . For example, messaging someone the bold and underlined text "Hello world!": .. code-block:: python from twisted.words.protocols.irc import assembleFormattedText, attributes as A # Message "someone" the bold and underlined text "Hello world!" anIRCClient.msg('someone', assembleFormattedText( A.bold[ A.underline['Hello world!']]) The "normal" attribute ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At first glance a text attribute called "normal" that does not apply any unusual text attributes may not seem that special but it can be quite useful, both as a container: .. code-block:: python A.normal[ 'This is normal text. ', A.bold['This is bold text! '], 'Back to normal', A.underline['This is underlined text!']] And also as a way to temporarily disable text attributes without having to close and respecify all text attributes for a brief piece of text: .. code-block:: python A.normal[ A.reverseVideo['This is reverse, ', A.normal['except for this'], ', text']] It is worth noting that assembled text will always begin with the control code to disable other attributes for the sake of correctness. Color attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since colors for both the foreground and background can be specified with IRC text formatting another level of attribute access is introduced. Firstly the foreground or background, through the ``fg`` and ``bg`` attribute names respectively, is accessed and then the color name is accessed. The available color attribute names are: - white - black - blue - green - lightRed - red - magenta - orange - yellow - lightGreen - cyan - lightCyan - lightBlue - lightMagenta - gray - lightGray It is possible to nest foreground and background colors to alter both for a single piece of text. For example to display black on green text: .. code-block:: python A.fg.black[A.bg.green['Like a terminal!']] Parsing formatted text ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most IRC clients format text so it is logical that you may want to parse this formatted text. :py:func:`twisted.words.protocols.irc.parseFormattedText` will parse text into structured text attributes. It is worth noting that while feeding the output of ``parseFormattedText`` back to ``assembleFormattedText`` will produce the same final result, the actual structure of the parsed text will differ. Color codes are mapped from 0 to 15, codes greater than 15 will begin to wrap around. Removing formatting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In some cases, such as an automaton handling user input from IRC, it is desirable to have all formatting stripped from text. This can be accomplished with :py:func:`twisted.words.protocols.irc.stripFormatting` .