Part of twisted.conch.ssh View Source
The lowest level SSH protocol. This handles the key negotiation, the encryption and the compression. The transport layer is described in RFC 4253.
Maintainer: Paul SwartzClass | SSHTransportBase | Protocol supporting basic SSH functionality: sending/receiving packets and message dispatch. To connect to or run a server, you must use SSHClientTransport or SSHServerTransport. |
Class | SSHServerTransport | SSHServerTransport implements the server side of the SSH protocol. |
Class | SSHClientTransport | SSHClientTransport implements the client side of the SSH protocol. |
Class | SSHCiphers | SSHCiphers represents all the encryption operations that need to occur to encrypt and authenticate the SSH connection. |
Class | _DummyCipher | A cipher for the none encryption method. |
Class | _Counter | Stateful counter which returns results packed in a byte string |