[Divunal-devel] I'm back

James Knight jknight@MIT.EDU
Sat, 14 Aug 1999 16:45:44 -0400

Well I'm back from Cape Cod now. It was very nice there, despite the rain.
Anyways, if anyone had anything they really wanted to ask me, you can now.
As for release criteria, if someone else would like to go read through the
docs and tell me what is missing/unclear, I'd be happy to rectify the

Other random things that aren't perfect:
open/broadcast/etc flags aren't properties.
One API 'bug' (well really inconsistancy) is that Name.of and Pronoun.of
exist at all. Why aren't they just Thing.name() and Thing.heshe()?

Comments on Client Extensions:
I'm pretty sure that they work now, although a little bug might've crept in
at some point. Since native clients are now being implemented, their
original purpose is now not quite a good idea. They originally were meant
to be network-loadable java code that could do cool things in the client
like put up a character equiping screen. Rewriting the character equiping
window in 3 different clients would be a pain, so this is not such a good
idea anymore.
The new purpose of CX's is just a connection between the server and client
enclosed in the game connection. The most probable use for this is to make
one 'Forms' CX that will be implemented on all platforms and allow us to
generate things like a character equiping dialogs in a general way.
Since this stuff is all still in flux, its not in the API for 1.1 (its in
there but not public so not officially part of the API), but at some point
in the future it should be re-added.

Phil: if you still want a detailed explaination of the Faucet protocol I
suppose I can write something up.

I think that's all I wanted to say...
lets release 1.1. :)

You are in a maze of testy little Java VMs, all subtly different.