[Divunal-list] FW: Prospective Divunal Authors

Rich Huey silvrwlf@sound.net
Mon, 21 Jun 1999 12:01:54 -0500

I have read the agreement, and agree to abide by all of the conditions
stated therein.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tenth [mailto:tenth@clockwork.divunal.com]
Sent: Friday, June 18, 1999 4:22 PM
To: silvrwlf@sound.net
Cc: EvilIvan@yahoo.com; glyph@divunal.com
Subject: Prospective Divunal Authors

First of all, thank you for responding to our web page, and our apologies
for the delay in getting back to you. We are interested in finding new
Authors, but before we officially "let you in", there are a few things you
should know about.

First, we request all of our authors and contributors to agree to a few
terms. You can find them on the Divunal site at:


We'd like you to send us an email stating that you have read (and
agree to) the agreement. We'd rather not have to bring legality into this
project, but after a few nasty events recently, we have no choice. (See
the Agreement page for more information on this.) If you have any
questions or comments, feel free to email Glyph or myself... We're
flexible on most of these issues, and we'd be happy to discuss them with
you if legal stuff makes you uncomfortable.

If everything works out, we'll add you to the divunal-author mailing list,
give you access to the Author pages, discuss your God character (what a
God character is, if you want one or not), see about getting you a
Divunal t-shirt as soon as they are available, etc.  :-)

Once again, we'd be happy to discuss any concerns you have about the
Divunal project or our author's agreement, over email or on the #divunal
IRC channel, and we hope you find them satisfactory.


- Tenth