[Inheritance] his samuel he molecule

Adeline Espinoza lqtsmelt at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 3 00:36:47 CST 2006

You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear Don't mend what ain't broken You can't grease a pig so many times that he can't be greased one more time Ie, One is often better off keeping his mouth shut Yogi Berra Variant: It's not over till it's over
Definition: A situation almost impossible to complete You never know what you've got till it's gone Interpretation: A flawed article will require a lot of effort to work with
The coat makes the man Haste makes waste Ben Franklin Alternative: Who shall guard the guardians? Alternative: Red sky at night: sailor's' delight Red sky in the morn: sailor's be warned
Give the Devil his due If wishes were horses Migs would fly If you were born to be shot, you'll never be hung Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do There is no 'I' in TEAM, but there is a ME The early bird gets the worm
Sometimes abbreviated GIGO ^ and it takes a simpler mind to notice If the mountain won't come to Muhammad, Muhammad must go to the mountain Derived alternative: Do unto others as you would have done to you, but do it first
Living large and loving life Variant attributed to Hugh Hefner: "No nudes is bad nudes" God is a living God The early bird gets the worm Idle hands are the devil's playthings
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