[Inheritance] Please confirm your signup

Constance jwcqj at arpress.com
Fri Oct 27 08:09:44 CDT 2006

The big announcement is coming out very soon and this one is going to 
triple in a matter of days.  Did they strike the mother load?  We can't say.  
All we can say for now is that this revelation is going to be huge, and will 
cause a rush on this issue.  The time to get in is now!

Price: $O.77
Projected: $2.30
Rating: 5/5

This is the break you've been waiting for!  Spice up your holdings with 
AUNI and WIN! Watch AUNI soar on Friday 27 oct.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- ExxonMobil, the world's largest publicly traded oil company and the biggest corporation by revenue, reported on Thursday the second largest profit ever.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on Thursday said the quality of the armaments utilized by Iraq pales compared to those wielded by the United States, and he empathizes with the frustrations Iraqi leaders face because of this.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush signed a bill Thursday authorizing the construction of a fence along one-third of the 2,100-mile U.S. border with Mexico, but missing from the legislation is a means to pay for it.

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