[Inheritance] RE:

rtftxwmfxew at charter.com rtftxwmfxew at charter.com
Tue Mar 6 14:53:03 CST 2007

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   As he passed the door to the rooms of the Ladies Auxiliary Society he noticed that it was ajar, and saw through the crack that there was a sleeping figure on the floor near the stove -- a boy about sixteen. When Jehiel stepped softly in and looked at him, the likeness to his own sister struck him even before he recognized the lad as his great-nephew, the son of the child he had helped his sister to care for all those years ago. 
   He dreamed strange, troubled dreams that melted away before he could seize on them, and finally he thought his sister stood before him and called. The impression was so vivid that he started up, staring at the empty room. For an instant he still thought he heard a voice, and then he knew it was the old clock striking the hour. It was ten oclock. 
   Hopelessness and resolution were alike struck out of his face by the fury of benevolence with w

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