[Twisted-Python] ReconnectingClientFactory.stopTrying
Jp Calderone
exarkun at intarweb.us
Sat May 3 00:16:09 MDT 2003
On Fri, May 02, 2003 at 07:06:58PM -0400, Eric C. Newton wrote:
> RedHat 9.0
> Twisted 1.0.4
Thanks for including this info.
> [snip]
> My (present) workaround is to close the connection, and tell the
> ReconnectingClientFactory to stopTrying with:
> reactor.callLater(0.1, self.factory.stopTrying)
> It works, but the 0.1 is a kludge to allow connection clean-up to
> finish, but timed to go off before the Connector starts a new attempt.
> Yuck.
Fixed in CVS. I also turned your demonstration into a test case and added
it as well, as I don't expect you'll have any issue with the legalities
(Grant glyph a non-exclusive copyright to the code - see doc/legal/ for the
details). Please confirm this, so I don't have to back out
test_factories.py and write a new one :)
And thanks for the bug report!
( LIST=(~/.sigs/*.sig)
cat ${LIST[$(($RANDOM % ${#LIST[*]}))]}
echo -- $'\n' `uptime | sed -e 's/.*m//'` ) > ~/.signature
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