[Twisted-Python] [PATCH] Fix FutureWarning
Moshe Zadka
m at moshez.org
Mon May 12 07:00:59 MDT 2003
hex()/oct() will return signed strings for negative ints in 2.4 and
onwards. Here is a patch to twisted/world/structfile.py to prevent
that from affecting twisted:
[by the by, I also switched from except: to except TypeError, seeing
as this is the only error we expect hex() to throw]
Index: twisted/world/structfile.py
RCS file: /cvs/Twisted/twisted/world/structfile.py,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 structfile.py
--- twisted/world/structfile.py 7 May 2003 13:56:32 -0000 1.1
+++ twisted/world/structfile.py 12 May 2003 12:58:50 -0000
@@ -198,8 +198,13 @@
for item in row:
- item = hex(item)
- except:
+ if item >= 0:
+ item = hex(item)
+ else:
+ item = hex((1L<<32)-item).lower()
+ if item[-1] == 'l':
+ item = item[:-1]
+ except TypeError:
item = str(item)
Moshe Zadka -- http://moshez.org/
Buffy: I don't like you hanging out with someone that... short.
Riley: Yeah, a lot of young people nowadays are experimenting with shortness.
Agile Programming Language -- http://www.python.org/
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