[Twisted-Python] problem remotely calling mehod that returns a Deferred
Tim Nagels
tim_nagels at hotmail.com
Thu May 22 04:24:42 MDT 2003
I'm having trouble remotely calling the userWelcome method...
it returns a deferred with some databaseinformation...
when I wanted to test to see how it handles delays...I used
then it seems to lose the connection and throws:
i've tested it with 15, 10, 5 secs... and when I go below 5 secs it seems to
work again...(as does removing the sleep line)
Any ideas where the connection could be lost, can't seem to locate it...
class FtpServFactory(pb.Root, pb.Perspective):
def remote_takeInfo(self, info):
print " got info:", info
print dir(info)
print info.name
print info.welcome
return "safe and sound" # positive acknowledgement
def testcallb(self, resultlist):
print "executing callback"
time.sleep(5) #### if I let it sleep for less then 5 seconds, or
I just remove the line
return resultlist[0][0] #### the value is returned correctly...
def failtestc(self, resultlist):
print "failing callback"
return resultlist
def perspective_userWelcome(self, user):
root = self.service.factory.root
print dir(self)
self.dbpool =
self.db = FtpDatabase(self.dbpool)
deff = self.db.getDescription("TascAdmin")
return deff
def main():
from FtpServer import FtpInfoClient # so it's not __main__.CopyPond
inf = FtpInfoClient.CopyInfo()
inf.initData("Johnny", """/temp/test.tst""",
"""2002-10-05""","""/temp""","You will find me another ...shrubbery!")
sender = Sender(inf)
deferred = pb.getObjectAt("", 8800, 50)
pb.connect("", # host name
8880, # port number
"guest", # identity name
"guest", # password
"FtpServer.ftp", # service name
"guest", # perspective name (usually same as identity)
None, # client reference, used to initiate server->client calls
50 # timeout of 30 seconds before connection gives up
).addCallbacks(connected, # what to do when we get connected
failure) # and what to do when we can't
def connected(perspective):
deff =
def fail(des):
print "failed miserably"
def gotdes(des):
print "description "+desc
def success(welcome):
print welcome
def failure(error):
print error
print dir(error)
print "Failed to obtain quote.\n"
if __name__ == '__main__':
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