[Twisted-Python] oddness in gtk reactor compred to wx and plain reactor
David E. Konerding
dekonerding at lbl.gov
Tue Feb 24 13:30:49 MST 2004
I have been experience a weird problem with the gtk reactor. I've got a
simple test case which seems to reproduce the problem, so I'm checking
with the mailing list to understand if everything is going on properly.
Here's the test code. I wasn't sure whether the log. calls are
thread-safe, but I've noticed the same problem with
Python's logging package. Using the wxPython or plain reactor seems to
work as expected: messages from the TestThingy are spewed at about
0.1/sec, while with gtk, messages only come every 2 seconds if at all.
import time, sys, logging
from twisted.internet import gtk2reactor
## from wxPython.wx import *
## from twisted.internet import wxsupport
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.python import threadable
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.internet import app
from twisted.manhole import telnet
from twisted.application import strports
## For testing with wx reactor
## class myWxApp(wxApp):
## def OnInit(self):
## return True
## mywxAppInstance = myWxApp(0)
## wxsupport.install(mywxAppInstance)
class TestThingy:
def __init__(self):
log.err("TestThingy created")
def run(self):
log.err("TestThingy run")
for i in range(10):
log.err("TestThingy message")
log.err("TestThingy done")
class ThingyManager:
def __init__(self):
def submitThingy(self):
log.err("ThingyManager submitting")
f = TestThingy()
log.err("ThingyManager created")
log.err("ThingyManager calledInThread")
def timer(*args):
log.err("Timer: %d" % time.time())
reactor.callLater(1, timer)
t = ThingyManager()
log.err("Starting timer")
reactor.callLater(0, timer)
log.err("Submitting transfer")
reactor.callLater(3, t.submitThingy)
log.err("Running reactor")
## for starting the wx reactor
log.err("Reactor done")
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