[Twisted-Python] versioning system [was r10392 - Start http rewrite, don't look yet.]

William Dode wilk-ml at flibuste.net
Sun Mar 28 05:27:26 MST 2004

Christopher Armstrong <radix at twistedmatrix.com> writes:

> William Dode wrote:
>> Thanks for all theses arguments.
>> I read one things, (but maybe i'm wrong ?) that subversion need
>> apache2. When arch can be used with any http server, and so
>> twistedmatrix for example :-)
>> I would like to replace apache by twisted for everythings, so this
>> question is important for me.
> Nope. We use inetd (for anon-readonly) and ssh (for auth-write) for
> svn on twistedmatrix.com (and divmod does it that way, too).

ok i see

> Apache2 offers sub-repository granularity on permissions, but then, so
> do repository hooks that come with subversion.
> Speaking of hooks, I wonder if it's possible to have one that prevents
> people from making mistakes like checking out /, /branches, and
> /tags. Does that sound like a good idea? It does to me.

I don't understand what you mean...

William Dodé - http://flibuste.net

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