[Twisted-Python] Docs for twisted

Thomas HERVE therve at free.fr
Fri Apr 1 02:35:10 MST 2005

>> You mentioned you're teaching someone Twisted Web -- is that just the
>> twisted.web/old-woven stuff or are you taking on nevow?

> I am using Nevow and trying to build some projects under it. My goal is
> to create a complete webmail, based on Cyrus IMAP and its features
> (Sieve, Shared Folders, etc). The frontend must be easy to customize for
> each customer and I think nevow is the right templating system for
> that. I tried Quotient, it is excellent, but it is not the right system
> for my needs.

I've just started a project that share similar goals with yours. It's called
Ni!Mail (http://www.nimail.org), and it's based on Twisted/Nevow.

It's really at is early stage (I've just released a version 0.1 which is very
basic), and I didn't intend to advertize on it so soon, but I've got a strong
motivation to improve it.

If you want to see what it looks like for now, you can go here:
http://www.nimail.org/demo/ (login : demo at nimail.org, pass : demo).

I would enjoy to see what you think of it.

Thomas Herve

[sorry for my basic english]

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