[Twisted-Python] DeferredList and errbacks

Lenny G Arbage alengarbage at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 5 17:13:36 MDT 2005

  I just noticed [what appears to me to be] a
contradiction in the twisted documentation.  The
"Using Deferreds" howto [1] says, "A standard
DeferredList will never call errback," while the
"Twisted FAQ" [2] states, "Always add errbacks!" in
response to the question, "My Deferred or DeferredList
never fires, so my program just mysteriously hangs!
What's wrong?"

  So, which is it?

  I suppose what this is getting at is that each
deferred in a DeferredList should have an errback
attached separately, but this isn't super-clear to me.
Is this the right way to interpret the above

  Lenny G.

[2] http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/howto/faq#auto19

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