[Twisted-Python] Twisted network games

Ben Olsen bolsen at verio.net
Tue Apr 19 09:29:19 MDT 2005

I've had great success integrating Twisted and Pygame for some learning 
projects I've been doing (started with a netPong, moving on to 
netPente). Personally I use the Pygame loop and call reactor.iterate(), 
but I'd be curious to hear what other people have done.


Ken Kinder wrote:

> Well, I hate to be discouraging, but you would probably do well to 
> learn Python more thoroughly before diving into Twisted. I got into 
> Twisted a year and a half ago having programmed in Python already for 
> 4 years, and it was still somewhat intimidating.
> Aside from that, I'm not sure you would really be sharing much code 
> with other developers unless someone out there wants to do exactly 
> what you're doing. A simple Google search reveals a number of mailing 
> list discussions about game-related topics like UDP, but they are 
> probably not relevant to your project. Because the whole thing sounds 
> like it wouldn't require a lot of real-time communication, I would 
> just use Perspective Broker. If you've ever used something like COM or 
> other object brokering systems, PB should be relatively simple aside 
> from its asynchronous nature.
> I assume you're aware of the PyGame project which provides API's for 
> things like sprites and sounds: http://www.pygame.org/ -- I'm not sure 
> how many people have tried integrating PyGame with Twisted, but I did 
> find this post from 2003: 
> http://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-python/2003-December/006829.html 
> Hope this helps.
> -Ken
> sir shz wrote:
>> Hi, I'm just starting to poke into Twisted, actually python itself. I'm
>> thinking of writing a network based game, e.g., card games like poker.
>> Twisted seems to be the right tool for it. Are there any existing 
>> projects
>> in that direction? Have there been this type of multiple player games
>> written in Twisted? or in Python (which must surely exist)?
>> Thanks.
>> Z.
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