[Twisted-Python] FTP / Common VFS Layer

Jp Calderone exarkun at divmod.com
Thu Apr 21 19:47:33 MDT 2005

On Fri, 22 Apr 2005 11:23:44 +1000, Andrew Bennetts <andrew-twisted at puzzling.org> wrote:
>On Thu, Apr 21, 2005 at 02:41:01PM -0400, Itamar Shtull-Trauring wrote:
>> On Thu, 2005-04-21 at 16:44 +0000, Michael Kerrin wrote:
>> >   I have seen the bug report http://twistedmatrix.com/bugs/issue983 and it
>> > mentions work that was done on a common VFS layer for Twisted. I am wondering
>> > if this is available anywhere has I would be very interested in seeing it.
>> Probably best to ignore the VFS bit for now and just concentrate on
>> fixing FTP. When and if the VFS layer is ever finished, hooking it up
>> should be easy.
>FTP in SVN isn't too bad... it's not completely broken, at least ;)
>And it now has a halfway-decent test suite, although more would really be a
>good idea (as using the --coverage option of trial will show).  The code
>isn't particularly elegant, but it's readable enough.
>So, I don't think it's too early to start improving the IFTPShell stuff
>(which I had been consciously ignoring until now).  The other work that
>needs doing shouldn't tend to get in the way very much, because the basics
>have been fixed.

  I think a good direction to take with IFTPShell is to drop it entirely and use an entirely new and different interface.  If anyone complains about compatibility later (which no one will because ftp was too broken to use until the work you did on it, and the interface is too specific to have been usefully implemented differently anyway), we can always write an adapter from the new to the old.

  Using something like, say, IResource would be interesting, but I guess IResource isn't quite expressive enough to satisfy all the requirements.


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