[Twisted-Python] help with refcounts and memleaks

Andrea Arcangeli andrea at cpushare.com
Mon Dec 26 09:07:35 MST 2005


I was just shoked today when I noticed this:

import sys

class A(object):
	y = None
	def x(self):
	def __del__(self):
		print 'deleted'

a = A()
print sys.getrefcount(a)
if 1:
	a.y = a.x
print sys.getrefcount(a)
del a

I understood the cross references memleaks well, like "x.y = y; y.x= x;
del x,y", but I didn't imagine that "a.y = a.x" would be enough to
generate a memleak. "a.y = a.x" isn't referencing another structure,
it's referencing itself only. Infact if I do this the memleak goes

import sys

class A(object):
	def x(self):
	y = x
	def __del__(self):
		print 'deleted'

a = A()
print sys.getrefcount(a)
print a.x, a.y
del a

Now the fact a static field doesn't generate a reference but a dynamic
one does is quite confusing to me and it also opened a can of worms in
my code. I can handle that now that I know about it, but I wonder what
people recommends to solve memleaks of this kind.

I'd also like to know how other languages like ruby and java behave in
terms of self-references of objects. Can't the language understand it's
a self reference, and in turn it's the same as an integer or a string,
like it already does when the member is initialized statically?

Infact can't the language be smart enough to even understand when two
cross referenced objects lost visibility from all points of view, and
drop both objects even if they hold a reference on each other? I
understand this is a lot more complicated but wouldn't it be possible in
theory? What does the garbage collection of other languages like ruby
and java, the same as python or more advanced?

So far my python programs never really cared to released memory (so my
not full understanding of python refcounts wasn't a problem), but now
since I'm dealing with a server I must make sure that the "proto" is
released after a loseConnection invocation. So I must cleanup all cross
and self! references in loseConnection and use weakrefs where needed.

Now those structures that I'm leaking (like the protocol object) are so
tiny that there's no chance that I could ever notice the memleak in real
life, so I had to add debugging code to trap memleaks. You can imagine
my server code like this:

class cpushare_protocol(Int32StringReceiver):
	def connectionMade(self):
		self.hard_handlers = {
			PROTO_SECCOMP : self.seccomp_handler,
			PROTO_LOG : self.log_handler,
 	def log_handler(self, string):
	def seccomp_handler(self, string):
	def __del__(self):
		print 'protocol deleted'
	def connectionLost(self, reason):
		# memleaks
		del self.hard_handlers
		print 'protocol refcount:', sys.getrefcount(self)
		#assert sys.getrefcount(self) == 4

For things like hard_handlers (that are self-referencing callbacks) I
can't even use the weakref.WeakValueDictionary, because it wouldn't hold
itself, the object gets released immediately. So the only chance I have
to release the memory of the protocol object when the connection is
dropped, is to do an explicit del self.hard_handlers in loseConnection.

I wonder what other twisted developers do to avoid those troubles.
Perhaps I shouldn't use self referencing callbacks to hold the state
machine, and do like the smpt protocol that does this:

    def lookupMethod(self, command):
        return getattr(self, 'do_' + command.upper(), None)

basically working with strings instead of pointers. Or I can simply make
sure to cleanup all structures when I stop using them (like with the del
self.hard_handlers above), but then I'll lose part of the automatic
garbage collection features of python. I really want garbage collection
or I could have written this in C++ if I'm forced to cleanup by hand.

Help is appreciated, thanks!

PS. Merry Christmas and Happy New 2006!

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