[Twisted-Python] 2.0.0 pre-pre-release

James Y Knight foom at fuhm.net
Sun Feb 6 11:26:03 MST 2005

On Feb 6, 2005, at 6:41 AM, Christopher Armstrong wrote:

> Yeah. "Twisted Core" is just used to disambiguate it from the other
> subprojects of Twisted. AIUI, "Twisted" is officially the networking
> framework. The tarball that contains everything will just be a
> convenience, and it will be called something like TwistedSumo.tar.bz2.
> I encourage packagers to name the twisted core package "twisted" and
> twisted subproject packages "twisted-foo". A "sumo" package is
> unnecessary on all non-barbaric packaging systems; I only think it's
> appropriate in tarball and win32 form.

I'm not sure that's right. I think it may be useful (and probably 
expected by users) on debian, say, to have a "twisted" package which 
installs every little bit of code associated with twisted, and a 
twisted-core package which is the core bits. The "twisted" package 
wouldn't actually contain any data, but simply depend on all the other 
packages. Such a package may actually even be *necessary*, in order to 
properly migrate dependancies forward (note that I'm not a debian 
packaging expert so I'm just guessing there).


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