[Twisted-Python] Help With Twisted as a Client (newbie warning)

Steve Milner smilner at trinityz.com
Thu Feb 17 09:25:49 MST 2005

I'm trying to get a better handle on how to write a client using twisted 
that would react to a GUI. What I am wanting to do is to somehow be able 
to work with xmlclient (which is based in sux.XMLParser) so I can write 
to the transport. Here is the connection code:

# Overrides the protocol.XlientFactory with a bit of reconnect code and sets
# the protocol to xmlclient
factory = CUClientFactory()

factory.clients = []
sslFactory = ClientContextFactory()
application = service.Application("xmlclient")
reactor.connectSSL("__example__.com", 1026, factory, sslFactory)

Is there a way I can access xmlxlient inside application? Is there a 
different way I should send data to the server? I can send data if I 
explicitly say so inside xmlclient, but what I am wanting to do is to 
send it due to outside sources (like a button click or key press). 
Something like this:

<bad code>
</bad code>

I've spent a few hours searching through google and the examples/docs 
but haven't found out how to do this (or even if it is the right line of 
thinking). All help is greatly appreciated!


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