[Twisted-Python] Re: communication idioms with Perspective Broker

David Bolen db3l at fitlinxx.com
Mon Jul 25 18:42:39 EDT 2005

Antony Kummel <antonykummel at yahoo.com> writes:

> This is how I understand the registry/manager/wrappers system:
> The meaning of the wrappers is that referenceables are
> transferable to third parties who get their flow pass through the
> middle process, and that the wrappers get reconnected automatically

Close (IMO) - the referenceable to the original object (which is
created as a result of passing that object through PB to a third
party) is placed in a wrapper which is then given to client code.
For example (in ASCII):

+---------+                      +---Wrapper-----+
| Manager |---[ PB transport ]---|[Referenceable]|<---- Client code
+---------+                      +---------------+

So the only reference most of the client code maintains is to the
wrapper object, which can remain consistent across outages.  It
handles reconnections to the original object when needed, which will
technically create a new referenceable (since PB referenceables can't
continue to be used across a disconnect/reconnect), but that is
transparent to the client code.

> If I understand correctly, the only purpose of the registry is to
> provide an interface to enable the re-connection of the wrappers.
> The purpose of managers is simply to dispense data and state
> objects.

The primary reason for the registry in our system is to act as a
single management object to retrieve references to our registerable
objects (such as managers), whether the request to locate a given
registerable object is coming locally or remotely.  Much as any other
central registry, it permits us to pass a single object reference
around to various parts in the system (including remote clients)
through which access to other official entry points can be retrieved.

But yes, it also simplifies the remote connection process since all we
need to do is provide a remote reference to a registry and through
that remote (wrapped) references to objects such as managers may be
retrieved through the same code that would be used if the registry was

And yes, as I've described managers are largely data management
objects.  We do also have higher order registerables (we call them
packages) which implement high level functionality - generally to
simplify common operations that would otherwise need to interact with
several managers simultaneously.

> Questions:
> Do managers only dispense state and data, or do they also provide
> state control?

I suppose it depends on what you would consider covered by "state
control," but the general answer would be there's no single rule.
Some managers are almost entirely pure data storage/retrieval, while
others provide for the retrieval of objects that themselves are fairly
complex (such as our cacheable models/controllers).

> Do cacheables (state objects) re-connect? Is there any reason why
> they shouldn’t?

Yes, they can be wrapped as well.  To the server side instance of the
cacheable, a reconnection is just another "new" observer.

> Regarding multi-layer wrapping, how do cacheables go from the
> original server to the final client without becoming unjellyable in
> the middle?

(warning - this got very long after I started writing it...)

I'm not sure if you meant copyable here instead of cacheable since a
cacheable controls it's own transmission of state to the client, as
opposed to a copyable which has to be directly jellyable.

For the cacheable, as long as it implements the Cacheable support, it
controls what gets transmitted to any observer, so whether it's the
original instance or a client reference to the original instance, it's
transmitting the same data.

But we have to date handled cacheables with an additional layer.  Since
we use cacheables typically for models for which users need to monitor
changes, we needed something that works the same locally and remotely.
We tend to use pydispatcher for signals (or some of our older objects
handle the observer pattern directly), and implement our models using
that, so all monitoring is technically local.  We then have a generic
server side wrapper that is a pb.Cacheable, and can observe any such
model as its data for the cacheable clients.  This might also work by
just having the models be directly cacheable, but it's the way the
system has grown to date.

The key to most of this is that we built a structure where the remote
wrapped instance of an object uses the same class definition (directly
through inheritance) as the original instance, just with a wrapper
mixed-in.  Not only does the client side wrapped object "work" like the
local object, with the use of callRemote hidden behind the normal
interface, but it then can be remotely referenced itself and behave just
like the original reference.

To try to strip down to a simple example, we were able to encapsulate
pretty much everything about the distributed processing part of the
system into two package modules - remoteable.py for a server side
support, and remote.py for client side.

remoteable is thin - we've have copyable/referenceable/cacheable
subclasses just to isolate some custom code (lets classes define some
fields that should automatically pickle to avoid PB not knowing how to
transmit them) and for future expansion.  This also houses the server
side observer/cacheable wrapper I mentioned above.

remote handles the client side.  It defines the key wrapper classes (for
client side copyable copies, referenceable references, and cacheable
caches :-)).  These wrapper classes implement reconnections
(cacheable/referenceable) and other custom support (like unpickling for
copies).  They also themselves inherit from the remoteable classes so
they can also be passed over a PB session.

remote then defines classes that multiply inherit from each of the
original classes for those classes that may be distributed, as well as
the appropriate wrapper class.  In most cases these definitions are
simply "pass" but they sometimes define slightly custom functionality
for the client side.  The only really detailed one is the
remote.Registry, which has the knowledge to automatically wrap any
retrieved object in the appropriate wrapper.

An example may help.  Assuming the following classes in
remoteable/remote as mentioned above:

           - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
remoteable.Copyable, Cacheable, Referenceable - subclasses of pb.*
remoteable.ModelCache - wraps an model as a cacheable.  We have
   subclasses of this for each model (so we can register the unjellying)

remote.CopyObject - mirror on the remote side for remoteable.Copyable.
   Is itself also a remoteable.Copyable
remote.RemoteWrapper - remote side wrapper for a Referenceable.
   Is itself also a remoteable.Referenceable.
           - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Then, if in a core module in our package (call it aurora.User) in the
system we defined some user related objects (that are meant to be
distributable), it might look like:

           - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
class User(remoteable.Copyable):
    """A typical data object"""
    # Attributes and simple methods for manipulating as needed

class UserModel(remoteable.Cacheable):
    """A typical cached model"""
    # Attributes and signal support for notification on changes

class UserManager(interfaces.IUserManager, remotable.Referenceable):
    """A typical manager.  IUserManager is an interface definition for
    the public API"""
    # Methods for accessing/changing User and UserModel objects
    # Assume that getUser retrieves  user and getModel retrievs a UserModel
           - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As it stands above, the user objects would be fully usable in a local
context.  Access to the UserManager would be through a Registry in which
it had been registered, and the UserManager would provide access to
either User or UserModel objects.

To permit distribution, we'd first add appropriate remote_* (or view_*)
entry points to the UserManager.  Most would simply mirror their
original methods (leaving it up to pb to construct the references).  But
any methods that returned models would be adjusted so that instead of
just returning the model, they wrapped that model in an appropriate
remoteable.ModelCache subclass and returned that instead.  So something like:

           - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    remote_getUser = getUser

    def remote_getModel(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return remoteable.UserModel(self.getModel(*args, **kwargs))
           - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

That's the extent to which original objects need to be touched.  The
only remote entry points are in managers (our referenceables), with data
objects being handled by PB as copyable or cacheable.

Then in the remote.py module we'd add the following:

           - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
class User(aurora.User.User, CopyObject):
    # CopyObject is our own mirror to remoteable.Copyable

pb.setUnjellyableForClass(aurora.User.User, User)
# Note that a remote copy can be a copy of itself (this handles hops 2+)
pb.setUnjellyableForClass(User, User)

class UserModel(aurora.User.UserModel, pb.RemoteCache):
    # Depending on how the model detects state changes, you may need to
    # do some processing in setCopyableState or you may not.

pb.setUnjellyableForClass(remoteable.UserModel, UserModel)

class UserManager(RemoteWrapper, interfaces.IUserManager):
    exclude = "remote_getModel"

    # We still need to locally wrap as a cacheable for hops 2+
    def remote_getModel(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return remoteable.UserModel(self.getModel(*args, **kwargs))
           - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The last one could probably use some explaining.  Our RemoteWrapper
class intercepts attribute lookups, and based on any superclass that is
one of our interfaces, uses the interface definition to reflect method
calls (as well as remote_* versions of them) over callRemote.  We permit
certain methods to be excluded from the wrapping (via an "exclude"
attribute) which lets us handle them locally in the wrapper. In this
case, just as the original user object did, we need to wrap the local
cache of a UserModel in the cacheable before trying to return to any
further remote callers.  (This is where having our remote.UserModel be
directly a pb.Cacheable might simplify things).  But the getUser method
is basically for free, since PB will handle making a copyable of the
original user object which will end up coming across to the client
wrapped as a remote.User object.

Overall, we don't do that much overriding of the remote methods.  One
case where we do is for the remote.Registry since it's responsible for
always wrapping returned managers in the right remote class.  Since our
registry lookup method is given an interface to find a manager for, the
remote.Registry looks in the local module (remote) for a class
definition inheriting from the same interface and then uses that to wrap
the returned referenceable, thus more or less transparently making the
returned referenceable look just like the original object.

These remote.* objects are all themselves copy/cache/referenceable since
they also inherit from their remoteable counterparts (or are wrapped by
such as in the getModel call).  So this can go on for many hops.

Now let me see if I can put this together with a few other components.
For example, in a two hop setup, you'd get:

    Server [<--A-->] Client 1   [<---B--->]  Client 2
(a) Registry <------ remote.Registry <------ remote.Registry
(b) UserManager <--- remote.UserManager <--- remote.UserManager
(c) User <---------- remote.User <---------- remote.User
(d) UserModel <----- remote.UserModel <----- remote.UserModel  (etc...)

The connections "A" and "B" are actually paired Server and Client
objects of our own (that I mentioned in my last note).

During a startup sequence, Server creates the master registry (including
instantiating and registering any managers).  It then establishes a
Server object that provides access to the Registry for network clients.
Simultaneously the Registry may be used by local processing.

At some point, Client 1 uses its Client object to connect to Server's
Server object and retrieve a reference to Registry (a), which is wrapped
in a remote.Registry by the Client object.  That remote.Registry can
then be published by Client 1's Server object (the Server object just
knows it has a registry, but can't or needn't distinguish between
Registry and remote.Registry), which can be retrieved by Client 2's
Client object.  Client 2 also gets a remote.Registry, but it's an extra
"hop" removed from the original Registry instance.

Now sticking with 2 hops, say Client 2 needs some information.  First,
it'll ask its registry for a reference to the UserManager.  The call is
reflected by Client 2's remote.Registry up to Client 1, whose
remote.Registry reflects it up to Server's Registry.  That Registry
returns a reference to UserManager which PB sends as a referenceable
(shared only between Server and Client 1).  The remote.Registry on
Client 1 wraps that as a remote.UserManager and then returns it to
Client 2, which again causes PB to send a referenceable (shared only
between Client 1 and Client 2), which Client 2's remote.Registry again
wraps as a remote.UserManager.

Now, Client 2 asks its UserManager for a User object.  The call reflects
up to the Server the same way, but the response this time is a copyable,
so PB copies it across Server->Client 1 (which instantiates a
remote.User), which is then copied by PB from Client 1->Client 2
(creating another remote.User).

And perhaps now Client 2 wants a UserModel (asking the UserManager).
Call again reflects up to Server, but the remote entry point on the main
UserManager wraps the UserModel in a remoteable.UserModel to return to
PB, which then treats it as a cacheable down to Client 1, which
instantiates it as remote.UserModel.  Client 1's remote.UserManager then
wraps it in a local remoteable.UserModel to return (as a cacheable) to
Client 2, which gets a remote.UserModel.  From Server's perspective
there is a remoteable.UserModel instance (which is watching signals on
the original UserModel) which has Client 1 as a PB observer, and from
Client 1's perspective there is a remoteable.UserModel instance (which
is watching signals on the local remote.UserModel) which has Client 2 as
a PB observer.

Still with me?  :-)

Now let's say there's an outage - say between Server and Client 1.
Whatever the next attempt is to use callRemote in any wrapped object
will detect the problem and emit a disconnected signal.  We also have a
periodic Client->Server object "ping" that will pick up an outage in the
absence of other calls, which occurs periodically or is triggered
automatically upon receiving the disconnected signal from any wrapper object.

Upon detection by the Client object of the outage, it then emits its own
disconnected signal, upon which various application level operations may
take place, officially disconnects the PB socket, and starts attempting
to reconnect.

Any operations on wrapped objects past this point will generate the
normal PB DeadReferenceError exception since we shut down the connection.

When Client 1's Client object manages to reconnect, it will immediately
re-query the registry from the Server's Server object.  Once it has
successfully retrieved the new registry, it then emits a newly connected
signal which includes the new registry reference.

Our remote.Registry object (along with other application level stuff)
listens for this signal and upon receipt, updates its internal wrapped
reference, and automatically issues a requery to that reference for any
managers that had previously been queried through it.  When it gets new
references to them it updates its internal information, as well as any
wrappers that it had previously handed out (it keeps a cache).  Once
this final step is completed, any application code that had been
attempting to use those wrapped references will be working again.

The remote copyables don't need any special support since they are still
legitimate copies.  But remote cacheables also need to be re-connected,
and are trickier since it's harder to come up with a single way to
retrieve new cacheables, since they are less regular than manager
references retrieved through the registry.  To date we've handled this
on a case by case basis either through the wrapper of the responsible
manager, or via application level support for re-retrieving the model
upon receipt of the reconnection signal.

> P.S.
> The system I had in mind:
> I like and want to adhere to the data/state distinction you made.
> Events will be handled locally by remote caches, based on changes in
> the cached data (this may be accomplished degenerately, by not
> exposing anything other than the event).

As mentioned above, in our case we make use of pydispatcher for
signals/events within each local application space, using the PB
cacheable setup (with wrappers on each end) to reflect the data.  This
lets client code be written as if it was handling local signals
regardless of whether the model object is a cache of a remote object or
truly the local instance.

> Differences from your system:
> I would like all of my referenceables and cacheables in my system to
> be re-connecting. This to some extent cancels the need for managers,
> because any dynamically changing object is re-connecting.

We're pretty much auto-reconnecting (as above).  I think you'll probably
need something akin to a manager, or at least a registry to perform the
reconnection though, or else you won't have a well-defined point at the
original to which you can re-issue the original request to get a new
referenceable/cacheable on the reconnecting client.

> Instead of (or possibly in addition to) manager objects, I want to
> have what I call Seed objects, which represent a combination of state,
> data and referenceables (all optional). These seeds will be copyable,
> and will include the knowledge required to retrieve their components.

Sounds reasonable.  I still think you'll need a separate construct to
"own" access to these Seed objects, or else what is the remote seed
reference going to issue a query against in order to rebuild its remote
references following an outage?

>    The main reasons for seeds are:
> I want state, data and control to be provided by the same object for
> clarity, and not have each of them require an individual query. For
> example, a user will have Name, email address, etc. as data,
> online/offline as state, and a send_message method.

One thing to consider is the creation of the information/state that the
seeds are encapsulating.  One of the reasons we ended up going more
heavily towards copyable objects (rather than references) is that we can
end up creating such objects at various points within the distributed
system.  So it's very convenient to be able to instantiate a local
object instance (say of a user object) in order to begin the process of
creating a user, and populating its information, without bringing in the
rest of the baggage of the remote connection until it comes time for the
"store" operation.  Likewise we found it much easier to manage
reconnections upon "active" objects with well-defined APIs as opposed to
the data objects such as a user record.

So even if you have the construct of a seed object to encapsulate remote
handling, you might want to consider separating out the data object
components into their own class for simpler manipulation, prior to
assigning that data to a seed object to become part of the distributed

> I want state objects, referenceables, and possibly data associated
> with a Seed to be retrievable from a Server different from the one who
> dispensed the Seed (for example, the database may provide a seed and
> the associated user-changeable data, but the state may be kept by a
> different server). For example, the user’s data may be stored in a
> database, his online/offline state retrieved from a presence server,
> and sending him a message may require connecting to his workstation.

This sounds like more of a reason to split some of the functionality
into separable entities than trying to combine them all into a single
seed object, although I could probably see some argument for combining
in order to hide the origin of the data from the end user.  But then
you're going to have to keep a lot of information in that seed object
about where each of its information pieces originally came from and be
able to reconstitute the references when needed.  And handle what
happens if you lose contact with the owner of one piece of the
information but not another.

To a large extent, permitting this sort of breakout is where we headed
with our registry/manager structure.  To a client, it only has a
registry reference, and asks it for managers in order to
retrieve/manipulate state.  But it doesn't know how the registry locates
managers nor how the managers locate their state.  So when I ask my
"local" registry for a user manager, for all I know that request is
replicated across 5 hosts and I eventually get what appears to be a
local user manager but is a remote reference to an object instance 5
hosts away.  At the same time that same registry when asked for a
session manager, might return me a local object from my own local

The decision about where the managers are located is up to top
level application code that instantiates the registry and makes it
available on the network (and we have various registry variants for
different ways of combining local and remote managers).  This lets each
"hop" along the way make some of its own decisions independent of other
parts of the system, with a given node running a registry in control of
what any nodes "behind" it sees, or even what managers are available.

This can certainly be incorporated into a single seed object, but I
think you'll have to make some decisions about how the original data
sources are configured (and does that itself need to be capable of being
distributed).  If you can own that configuration amongst various
centrally maintained servers, and you're operating from primarily a hub
and spoke system it'll probably work well.  But if you might end up with
independently operating clusters of nodes or want to distribute
administrative domains over various sorts of data, it might be more of a

Hope this has spurred some more thoughts.  Best of luck with your

-- David

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