[Twisted-Python] Twisted communication with embedded C thread

Itamar Shtull-Trauring itamar at itamarst.org
Thu Jul 7 12:02:12 MDT 2005

On Thu, 2005-07-07 at 13:48 -0400, Tom Cocagne wrote:

>     I was wondering if anyone has suggestions for a good way to go
> about setting up a message-passing communication channel between one
> or more C threads and a single thread dedicated to running
> Python/Twisted. I already have functional Python bindings accessing
> the contents of the messages (basically C structures) but need some
> way to exchange the messages between the C threads and the Python
> thread.

Any reason you're using threads? You can run Twisted directly on the
glib event loop, so your whole program could run on the same loop.

In any case, Switching data from Twisted to C is just like passing data
from any Python program to C code: call a C extension function from
Python that calls into C code, and for reverse call a Python function
from C code. Thread safety is mostly orthogonal, so you can probably use
the standard Twisted reactor.callFromThread to have code run in the
Twisted thread.

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