[Twisted-Python] twisted.names and multicast DNS

Jason Fritcher fritcher at corp.earthlink.net
Mon Jul 11 14:56:49 MDT 2005

Bob Ippolito wrote:
> Alternatively, if you're using a Mac, it's pretty trivial to just use 
> the NSNetService stuff.  You're more or less stuck supporting the OS  X
> APIs anyway if you want OS X support, since only one mDNS responder  can
> run on a given machine (well, IP address).

Not at all. I'm developing the bindings on a OS X box, and by wrapping
the DNSService API, it'll run on OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and any
other platform that has the DNSService API. The only difference is on OS
X, I don't need to link with any extra libraries, its part of the main
system lib. On other platforms, I link against libdns_sd.

Jason Fritcher
Software Engineer - Hosting Dev,
System Software Development
Earthlink, Inc
fritcher at corp.earthlink.net
(404) 748-7262, x22262
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