[Twisted-Python] removing unsupported reactors in twisted 2.6: qt, corefoundation, threadedselect, wx

Thomas HERVE therve at free.fr
Sun Sep 24 07:20:19 MDT 2006

Quoting glyph at divmod.com:

> Currently qtreactor is being tested on the "reactors" buildslave and 
> is keeping it red, despite the fact that all the other reactors on 
> that slave work fine (modulo a few elusive race conditions).  
> wxreactor is not being tested at all.  I believe we should split qt 
> out so that it can have its own red column and not interfere with the 
> gtk and poll reactors, and if we run a wx slave it should also be 
> separate.

The next QT version (4.2, currently in RC1) contains support for the 
Glib eventloop. This has to be tested, but it promises use of the gtk 
reactor with Qt application. Qt 4.2 (and PyQt) is not released but 
should be by the time of Twisted 2.6; we could then write a 
documentation about integration. The drawback is that you'll need glib 
(ie, python-gtk) to write a Qt app.

We also have a qt4 reactor (http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/1770) 
that needs a maintener. Last time I checked few things were needed to 
make the test suite pass.


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