[Twisted-Python] Synchronization techniques

Bob Ippolito bob at redivi.com
Tue Apr 3 15:22:17 MDT 2007

On 4/3/07, Daniel Miller <daniel at keystonewood.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the response Itamar,
> >> 1. Is reactor.iterate() meant to be used this way (see
> >> TwistedLock.acquire() and TwistedProcess.check_call())? If not, what
> >> is the right way to do those things? I've read everything I can find
> >> on reactor.iterate() and while it seems to be the only way to do what
> >> I need to do, its use is often strongly discouraged. Why is it so
> >> difficult for twisted to handle non-async code?
> >
> > You should never call reactor.iterate().
> There really needs to be a way to do this:
> d = getDeferred()
> result = reactor.waitFor(d)
> Or even better:
> d = getDeferred()
> result = d.waitFor()
> The waitFor() method returns the result of the deferred or raises an
> exception if the deferred failed. This would allow a much more
> intuitive way to do the same type of thing that inlineCallbacks()
> allows. Why is this not implemented?

Because it's not possible.


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