[Twisted-Python] Conch filetransfer *client* example?

matteo acerbi matteo.acerbi at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 04:08:42 MDT 2007

Hello all!

I'm a Twisted *and* Python beginner, so please don't treat me
badly. :-)

I'm looking for a way to transfer files via SFTP (or SCP) and,
as I'm going to use conch to execute commands remotely
(already did some working tests), I'd like to use the same
package to transfer some files (copying them from the
twisted-running host to the remote one).

I have nothing more than a ssh server on the remote host,
can't even rely on a python interpreter, so please don't suggest
me to transfer files some other way.

Does anyone have a simple example showing how to use the
*client* classes of twisted.conch.ssh.filetransfer?

I'm really stuck on this...

Thanks to anyone that will reply!


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