[Twisted-Python] Slow Performance of Twisted Script
Thomas Greenwood
tg.mufcnotforsale at gmail.com
Fri Feb 13 07:58:52 MST 2009
Hi everyone,
I have been developing my first python script and jumped straight into the
world of twisted. I like the concept but I seem to be doing something very
wrong. The script takes an NZB file and parses it (using HellaNZB's parser)
and then makes a specified number of connections to the news server and
checks that all articles are there using the STAT command. I also know
nothing about newsservers or nntp so this script is a complete shot in the
dark. First time with python, first time with twisted and first time with
nntp seems to equal disaster!
The problem is that the script is very slow, even with 20 simultaneous
connections to the internet I only produce 111k or so of traffic and only
achieve 2 article checks per connection per second. On a 24meg connection I
can download the whole thing quicker than checking it with my script! Any
ideas why it is so slow?
I have attached the script.
Thanks for any help.
Tom Greenwood
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from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet import protocol
from NZBHellaParser import NZBParser, parseNZB
from twisted.news.nntp import NNTPClient
import sys,traceback,time
results = None
allClients = None
class NNTPStatCheck(NNTPClient):
"Class to check if the server has all the articles required using as little bandwidth as possible."
nextMessageID = None
def __init__(self, _username, _password, _newsgroup):
self.username = _username
self.password = _password
self.newsgroup = _newsgroup
self.nextMessageID = 0
self.currMessageID = None
#self.lastTime = 0
def getStat(self):
#print "Stating for " + self.currMessageID
#self.startTime = time.time()
self.sendLine('STAT <%s>' % (self.currMessageID, ))
self._newState(None, self.getStatFailed, self._stateStat)
def connectionLost(self, error):
if self.nextMessageID >= len(results):
self.factory.readyToStop = True;
for client in allClients:
if client.readyToStop == False:
print "Unexpected Connection Loss, Should we try again?? " + str(self.nextMessageID) + "/" + str(len(results))
def connectionMade(self):
print 'Connection made, logging in..'
def gotGroup(self, group):
#print "GOT GROUP " + str(group) + "\n"
def gotStat(self, stat):
#print "GOT STAT %s\n" % str(stat)
results[self.currMessageID][self.newsgroup] = True
#FIXME: Don't need to check the rest of the groups if we have it
def _stateStat(self, (code, message)):
#print str(allClients.index(self.factory)) + " " + str(time.time() - self.startTime) + " " + str(time.time() - self.lastTime)
#self.lastTime = time.time()
if code == 223:
self.gotStat((code, message))
self.getStatFailed("%s %s" % (str(code) , str(message)))
def statNext(self):
if self.nextMessageID < len(results):
self.currMessageID = results.keys()[self.nextMessageID]
self.nextMessageID = (self.nextMessageID + 1)
if results[self.currMessageID] [self.newsgroup] is None:
self.nextMessageID = (self.nextMessageID + 1)
# FIXME: Should now be fixed but sometimes the client got into an unknown state
print "Finished, disconnecting from server."
def tryNext(self):
if self.nextMessageID < len(results):
print "Finished, disconnecting from server."
def getStatFailed(self, error):
print str(time.time() - self.startTime)
(code, message) = error.split(" ", 1)
except AttributeError:
print 'Unknown reply structure: %s\n' % str(error)
if code == "430":
print 'Error occured after stat: %s\n' % str(error)
results[self.currMessageID][self.newsgroup] = False
def messageDoesNotExist(self, error):
print 'Message ' + self.currMessageID + ' does not exist in group ' + self.newsgroup + '\n'
def authInfo(self):
self.sendLine('AUTHINFO USER ' + self.username)
self._newState(None, self.authInfoFailed, self._authInfoUserResponse)
def _authInfoUserResponse(self, (code, message)):
if code == 381:
self.sendLine('AUTHINFO PASS ' + self.password)
self._newState(None, self.authInfoFailed, self._authInfoPassResponse)
self.authInfoFailed('%d %s' % (code, message))
def _authInfoPassResponse(self, (code, message)):
if code == 281:
self.gotauthInfoOk('%d %s' % (code, message))
self.authInfoFailed('%d %s' % (code, message))
def gotauthInfoOk(self, message):
print 'Logged in, starting stat checks..'
def authInfoFailed(self, error):
# FIXME: We use reactor.stop so we dont try and auth incorrectly for ever
print 'Error occured whilst attempting auth: %s\n' % error
class NNTPVerifyFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):
readyToStop = False
def __init__(self, _username, _password, _newsgroup):
self.username = _username
self.password = _password
self.newsgroup = _newsgroup
def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
print 'Failed to connect using connector: ' + str(connector) + " because " + str(reason)
def buildProtocol(self, addr):
p = NNTPStatCheck(self.username, self.password, self.newsgroup)
p.factory = self
return p
def checkFoundArticle(groups):
"If Article found returns group found, if not found returns false, if failed returns None"
for group, value in groups.iteritems():
if value == True:
return group
elif value == False:
return False;
return None
def createDictionaryFromList(list):
retVal = {}
for item in list:
retVal[item] = None
return retVal
def calcConnections(numGroups,maxConn):
if numGroups == 0:
return 0
if maxConn == 0:
return 0
if maxConn < numGroups:
return 0
if (maxConn / numGroups) >= 1:
return (maxConn / numGroups)
return 1
def printUsage():
print "Usage: NZBVerify.py maxConnections nzbFile"
print " e.g: NZBVerify.py 20 test.nzb"
print "\n"
print "NZBVerify will distribute the connections between the groups specified in the NZB"
print "Your usenet provider will be able to tell you how many maximum connection you can use"
print "The value of maxConnections must be at least equal to the number of groups"
print "There is very little error handling so if you think its got stuck, it probably has!"
def main():
global results, allClients
results = {}
allClients = []
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
maxConns = int(sys.argv[1])
except ValueError:
print "Please enter a valid integer for maxConnections"
print "Max connections set to " + str(maxConns)
print "Loading NZB File from " + sys.argv[2]
groups, messageIDs = parseNZB(sys.argv[2])
except IOError:
print "There was an IO error loading the NZB File. The error follows:\n"
print traceback.print_exc()
print "Parsed NZB File with " + str(len(messageIDs)) + " articles from " + str(len(groups)) + " groups."
connectionsPerGroup = calcConnections(len(groups),maxConns)
print "Using " + str(connectionsPerGroup) + " connections per group."
if connectionsPerGroup == 0:
print "Finished. Can't do anything with no connections per group!"
for currMessageID in messageIDs:
# FIXME: Need to check if we need to create a new Dictionary instance for each message or if python is clever enough to work it out itself.
results[currMessageID] = createDictionaryFromList(groups)
#FIXME: Can only have as many groups as connections
for group in groups:
for i in range(connectionsPerGroup):
verifier = NNTPVerifyFactory("tgreenwood at pp.newsgroups.user", "tomwap1986", str(group))
reactor.connectTCP("us.usenet-news.net", 119, verifier)
print "Connecting to server.."
print "Got required data from server, analysing.."
totalArticles = len(results)
totalFound = 0
totalNotChecked = 0
for currMessageID, _groups in results.iteritems():
result = checkFoundArticle(_groups)
if result is None:
print "Article Not Checked: " + currMessageID
totalNotChecked = (totalNotChecked + 1)
elif result is False:
print "Article Not Found: " + currMessageID
print "Found Article: " + currMessageID + " in " + result
totalFound = (totalFound + 1)
print "Don't take the groups listed above as gospel, it only means that you newsserver said it had it on the server - it may not have cared that we asked for the article in a particular group!"
print "All Finished."
print "Found " + str(totalFound) + ", Not Found " + str(totalArticles - (totalFound+totalNotChecked)) + ", Not checked " + str(totalNotChecked)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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from xml.sax import make_parser
from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler, feature_external_ges, feature_namespaces
def parseNZB(fileName):
""" Initialize the queue from the specified nzb file """
# Create a parser
parser = make_parser()
# No XML namespaces here
parser.setFeature(feature_namespaces, 0)
parser.setFeature(feature_external_ges, 0)
# Create the handler
dh = NZBParser()
# Tell the parser to use it
# Parse the input
return (dh.groups, dh.queue)
class NZBParser(ContentHandler):
""" Parse an NZB 1.0 file into a list of msgids
http://www.newzbin.com/DTD/nzb/nzb-1.0.dtd """
def __init__(self):
# downloading queue to add NZB segments to
self.queue = []
# nzb file to parse
#self.nzb = nzb
self.groups = []
# parsing variables
self.file = None
self.bytes = None
self.number = None
self.chars = None
self.fileNeedsDownload = None
self.fileCount = 0
self.segmentCount = 0
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
if name == 'file':
subject = self.parseUnicode(attrs.get('subject'))
poster = self.parseUnicode(attrs.get('poster'))
self.fileCount += 1
elif name == 'group':
self.chars = []
elif name == 'segment':
self.bytes = int(attrs.get('bytes'))
self.number = int(attrs.get('number'))
self.chars = []
def characters(self, content):
if self.chars is not None:
def endElement(self, name):
if name == 'file':
self.file = None
self.fileNeedsDownload = None
elif name == 'group':
newsgroup = self.parseUnicode(''.join(self.chars))
if newsgroup not in self.groups:
self.chars = None
elif name == 'segment':
self.segmentCount += 1
messageId = self.parseUnicode(''.join(self.chars))
self.chars = None
self.number = None
self.bytes = None
def parseUnicode(self, unicodeOrStr):
if isinstance(unicodeOrStr, unicode):
return unicodeOrStr.encode('latin-1')
return unicodeOrStr
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