[Twisted-Python] Connecting to multiple servers

Antonio Beamud Montero antonio.beamud at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 08:33:07 MDT 2009

Gerrat Rickert escribió:
>> Ok, but when I use reactor.connectTCP no deferred is returned.. How I
>> can stop the reactor when all connections has finished?
>> Thanks.
> ...it would be helpful if you provided an actual example 
> (your example did not use a "reactor.connectTCP");
> but in general terms, if you're connecting to multiple servers
> and want to wait till all connections are finished, you'll need to 
> track the connections, and call reactor.stop() once the last
> connection is closed.
Well, finally I solved the problem next way:

I've created a factory that inherits from ReconnectingClientFactory. In 
the __init__, I've created a deferred:

  def __init__(self):
        self.deferred = defer.Deferred()

If all goes ok, then self.deferred.callback('ok'), else 
(clientConnectionLost, etc) self.deferred.errback(reason).
When I create the factory to pass it to reactor.connectTCP, I save the 
deferred in a list:

  dlist = []
  myf = MyFactory(args)
  reactor.connectTCP(host, port, myf)
  myf.deferred.addCallback(lambda _: None)
  myf.deferred.addErrback(lambda _:None)
  flist = defer.DeferredList(dlist)
  flist.addCallback(lambda _: reactor.stop())
  flist.addErrback(lambda _: reactor.stop())


I think it's the best way, only when all connections have finished the 
reactor is stopped.


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