[Twisted-Python] Coverage summary with trial

Øystein S. Haaland oystein.s.haaland at gmail.com
Fri Apr 13 15:03:28 MDT 2012

Hi all,

I would like to collect coverage statistic for my twisted code with trial and 
was wondering how to achieve this.

I run something like:
	$ trial --coverage testdir/*_test.py

all tests are green and i can see coverage files in _trial_temp/coverage/.

After looking around a bit i learn that the python trace module is used under 
the hood and my assumption then is that i must use similar commands as those 
that are shown here:


I had to look at the source code to find this out. It would be nice if it was 
mentioned in the documentation somewhere.

So i try to construct a command like this:

python -m trace --summary --report --coverdir _trial_temp/coverage/

But it needs --file which seems not to be enabled by trial. I then make some 
changes in the trial script:

--- trial.py.orig       2012-03-30 06:32:08.627758872 +0200
+++ trial.py    2012-04-14 04:50:05.416382063 +0200
@@ -162,7 +162,8 @@
         directory specified by the I{trial-temp} option.
         import trace
-        self.tracer = trace.Trace(count=1, trace=0)
+       countfile="countfile.txt"
+        self.tracer = trace.Trace(count=1, trace=0, infile=countfile, 

and i can finally see a summary if i remember to add the --missing option:

python -m trace --report --summary --missing --file countfile.txt --

I assume i am missing something obvious, because it seems strange that one 
would have to change the trial script to achieve this. How do other people 
create such summaries?



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