[Twisted-Python] HTTP/2 and Twisted

Oon-Ee Ng ngoonee.talk at gmail.com
Sun Nov 15 19:07:17 MST 2015

On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 1:56 AM, Itamar Turner-Trauring
<itamar at itamarst.org> wrote:
> On 11/13/2015 07:45 PM, Tristan Seligmann wrote:
>> 1) The Twisted project has already experimentally demonstrated the
>> imprudence of an approach that massively breaks backwards compatibility with
>> old APIs (even if it does this in concordance with the compatibility policy,
>> by adding a bunch of new things): see the defunct twisted.web2 project.
>> Realistically, if you say "hey people, twisted.web now has HTTP/2 support,
>> all you have to do is port all of your code and all of your libraries over
>> to these new APIs!", the response isn't going to be "great, I'll get right
>> on that!". It'll be "oh well, I guess I'll just throw an nginx reverse proxy
>> in front of my app to get HTTP/2 working" or "oh well, never mind then".
> The counterpoint is that maybe if we'd deprecated twisted.web and told
> people they should port within a year to twisted.web2 everyone would've done
> it and we wouldn't be having this conversation :)


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