[Twisted-Python] [Twisted] #7598: Port twisted.spread.pb to Python3

Wolfgang Rohdewald wolfgang.kde at rohdewald.de
Tue Aug 2 05:38:47 MDT 2016

Am Dienstag, 2. August 2016, 03:39:58 CEST schrieb Glyph Lefkowitz:
>   Probably we should up-convert from bytes automatically in the places
> where we know python will be using the values as identifiers, including
> callRemote and the keys in a __dict__.

Attached is some grep for my port showing where I had co convert.

grep -ri -e '\(network\|native\)'

> This is unfortunately very tricky to know though, if we support
> serializing both bytes and strings :-\.

Why? The wire protocol does not change. PY3 bytes are already
compatible, and PY3 strings are serialized as unicode objects.

-------------- next part --------------
jelly.py:from twisted.python.compat import nativeString, networkString
jelly.py:        classname = nativeString(classname)
jelly.py:    sxp.extend([networkString(qual(inst.__class__)), jellier.jelly(state)])
jelly.py:            networkString(qual(self.__class__)),
jelly.py:                return [function_atom, networkString(pickle.whichmodule(obj, obj.__name__))
jelly.py:                return [datetime_atom, networkString('%s %s %s %s %s %s %s' % (
jelly.py:                return [time_atom, networkString('%s %s %s %s' % (obj.hour, obj.minute,
jelly.py:                return [date_atom, networkString('%s %s %s' % (obj.year, obj.month, obj.day))]
jelly.py:                return [timedelta_atom, networkString('%s %s %s' % (obj.days, obj.seconds,
jelly.py:        jelType = nativeString(obj[0])
jelly.py:        moduleName = nativeString(moduleName)
jelly.py:        qualName = nativeString(rest[0])
jelly.py:        im_name = nativeString(rest[0])
jelly.py:        typeName = nativeString(typeName)
flavors.py:from twisted.python.compat import _PY3, nativeString, networkString
flavors.py:        kw = nativeStringDict(broker.unserialize(kw))
flavors.py:        method = getattr(self, "remote_%s" % nativeString(message), None)
flavors.py:            raise NoSuchMethod("No such method: remote_%s" % (nativeString(message),))
flavors.py:        method = getattr(self.object, "view_%s" % nativeString(message))
flavors.py:        t = networkString(self.getTypeToCopyFor(p))
flavors.py:            l.extend([networkString(type_), luid, jstate])
flavors.py:def nativeStringDict(networkDict, encoding='ascii'):
flavors.py:    Convert them to the native string type.
flavors.py:    @param networkDict: Any C{dict}. Keys must be C{bytes} or C{unicode}.
flavors.py:    @return: The passed dict, but all keys converted with nativeString().
flavors.py:    return dict((nativeString(key, encoding), value)
flavors.py:        for key, value in networkDict.items())
flavors.py:        self.__dict__ = nativeStringDict(state)
flavors.py:        method = getattr(self, "observe_%s" % nativeString(message))
banana.py:from twisted.python.compat import _PY3, networkChar
banana.py:        stream(networkChar(0))
banana.py:        stream(networkChar(integer & 0x7f))
banana.py:LIST     = networkChar(0x80)
banana.py:INT      = networkChar(0x81)
banana.py:STRING   = networkChar(0x82)
banana.py:NEG      = networkChar(0x83)
banana.py:FLOAT    = networkChar(0x84)
banana.py:LONGINT  = networkChar(0x85)
banana.py:LONGNEG  = networkChar(0x86)
banana.py:VOCAB    = networkChar(0x87)
banana.py:                typebyte = networkChar(buffer[pos])
pb.py:from twisted.python.compat import xrange, networkString, nativeString
pb.py:from twisted.python.compat import nativeString, _PY3
pb.py:from twisted.python.compat import unicode, networkChar
pb.py:        This method is called when a network message is received.
pb.py:        This method is called when a network message is received.
pb.py:        method = getattr(self, "perspective_%s" % nativeString(message))
pb.py:            state['value'] = nativeString(self.value, encoding='utf-8') # Exception instance
pb.py:        file.write(nativeString(self.traceback, encoding='utf-8'))
pb.py:            nativeString(str(self.type)),
pb.py:            nativeString(self.value, encoding='utf-8'))
pb.py:            methodName = "proto_%s" % nativeString(command)
pb.py:            objectID = networkString(objectID)
pb.py:        self.sendCall(prefix+message_atom, requestID, objectID, networkString(message), answerRequired, netArgs, netKw)
pb.py:        message = nativeString(message)
pb.py:            objectID = nativeString(objectID)
pb.py:#                    unserFail.value = unserFail.type((nativeString(unserFail.value, encoding='utf-8')))
pb.py:        crap = crap + networkChar(random.randint(65,90))
pb.py:    Alternatively, any object providing or adaptable to L{IPBRoot} can be

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